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Mauritius and Sierra Leone contribute to a successful first professional attachment for integrity

16 noviembre 2022

From November 3 to 11, 2022, the WCO, through its Anti-Corruption and Integrity Promotion (A-CIP) Programme, sponsored two Officials from the Sierra Leone National Revenue Authority (NRA) to participate in a professional attachmentinitiative with the Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA) Internal Affairs.

This professional attachment represents an innovative approach to the Customs-to-Customs capacity building support that the WCO fosters. It is a continuation of the successful partnership between Mauritius, Sierra Leone and WCO that resulted, to date, in the creation of the NRA Internal Affairs Unit and the conduct of a series of Internal Affairs-related virtual workshops.

The professional attachment aimed to immerse the participants into MRA internal affairs eco-system.  In particular, NRA Officials examined the internal affairs business environment and identified best practices to transfer to the NRA Internal Affairs Unit.  In addition to direct observation of the internal affairs function in action, the NRA Officials were also provided with an inside view of operational integrity issues from other departments/ divisions.

This professional attachment contributed in deepening the exchange of experience and expertise between the two WCO members by offering an opportunity for NRA officials to undertake a practical on-the-job observation, ranging from corruption reporting, administrative investigation process, assets declaration, employment integrity check, preventive actions to Internal Affairs’ contribution in shaping public perception and confidence in MRA Customs operations and administration. 

Upon returning to their home administration, the NRA officials will deliver a series of sessions to provide strategic information to senior management and transfer knowledge and share best practices with different technical areas.

The WCO A-CIP Programme currently supports more than 20 WCO Member administrations, with funding from Norad and Canada. For more information, please, contact