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Successful Coordinated Border Management Workshop in Desaguadero, Peru

18 octubre 2022

The WCO held a Coordinated Border Management (CBM) Workshop in the Bi-national Border Services Center of Desaguadero, Perú, from 5 to 9 September, within the framework of the SECO-WCO Global Trade Facilitation Programme (GTFP). The workshop aimed to enhance Coordinated Border Management (CEBAF) within the Customs Administration of Peru (SUNAT) and other relevant national border agencies.
This mission included sessions with SUNAT, other border agencies and  the private sector to review and address the specific needs of the trading community and guide SUNAT toward identifying solutions to expedite trade. 

During this 5-day workshop, the WCO team built capacities of SUNAT and CEBAF officers in Desaguadero to develop robust CBM procedures. Specific areas of opportunity were identified to enhance the CEBAF services, and the WCO experts issued recommendations for the development of its standard operating procedures.

As a result, the SUNAT will develop standard operating procedures for enhancing national border cooperation in the CEBAF Desaguadero, which will help to facilitate trade and clearance of goods while at the same time ensuring secure borders.  

For more information on the GTFP, please contact