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Bolivia publishes its first National Time Release Study (TRS)

29 agosto 2023

On 18 August 2023, in La Paz, Bolivia, the National Customs Administration of Bolivia reached a significant milestone by unveiling the publication of its first-ever National Time Release Study (TRS) with the support of the SECO-WCO Global Trade Facilitation Programme (GTFP).

The TRS launching event brought together more than 150 participants, including high-ranking officials from the Ministry of Economy and Public Finance, the Bolivian National Customs, the Swiss Embassy in Bolivia, representatives of the public sector and relevant business associations within the trading community. Together, they celebrated Bolivia's accomplishment, as the Customs Administration closed a critical compliance gap with the World Trade Organization's Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA), Article 7.6, and presented a specific action plan and measures to improve clearance times for trade operations in the country.

As a powerful tool for identifying bottlenecks in foreign trade operations, this Study will form the basis for implementing corrective measures and enhancements to streamline import, export, and transit processes, bolster logistical infrastructure, and refine relevant regulations. This will benefit Bolivian businesses and other foreign trade operators, and boost national competitiveness, attract investments, and create a more favorable trade environment.

The findings and recommendations of this Time Release Study in Bolivia will foster public-private dialogue and strengthen the national trade facilitation agenda. This initiative aims to modernize the Customs Administration and to benefit all stakeholders involved in foreign trade in Bolivia, with the ultimate goal of reducing clearance times for foreign trade operations.

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