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The SECO-WCO GTFP officially closes its full-fledged intervention in Colombia

18 diciembre 2023

On 4 December 2023, following a comprehensive four-year intervention, the SECO-WCO Global Trade Facilitation Programme (GTFP) officially closed its extensive support in Colombia. Since its initiation on 30 September 2019, the Colombian Customs Administration (DIAN) has worked closely with the World Customs Organization (WCO), focusing on areas such as Strategic Planning, Key Performance Indicators, Human Resources, Ethical Code, Time Release Study, Risk Management, and Post-Clearance Audit.

The SECO-WCO GTFP support in Colombia aimed to enhance DIAN's organizational and technical capabilities, enabling them to effectively implement sustainable and transparent measures for the envisioned modernization of Customs.

The closing event included the National Programme Steering Committee (NPSC) and the Closing Ceremony, attended by approximately 120 participants representing the Customs Administration, the Swiss Cooperation Office in Bolivia, the Ministry of Trade, the National Association of Foreign Trade (ANALDEX), the Colombian Federation of International Trade Logistics Agents (FITAC), the National Business Council, the National Planning Department (DNP), and other stakeholders from the public and private sectors.

During the NPSC and closing, DIAN and SECO underscored the impressive impact of the SECO-WCO GTFP over the four-year comprehensive intervention. Notable achievements included a 14% improvement in organizational climate and a 7% enhancement in Trade Facilitation Indicators (TFI) since 2019, as reported by the OECD. Significant Risk Management and Post-Clearance Audit advancements were highlighted to support trade facilitation efforts. In terms of organizational development, the implementation of 22 key performance indicators in its balanced scorecard boosted DIAN’s strategic planning, along with the development of the Ethics Code and the WCO accreditation of 4 Customs officials (LMD, MMD, and AEO). A total of 498 officials from Customs and other government agencies underwent training through 43 technical national and regional activities.

During the ceremony, Mr. Ricardo Treviño, WCO Deputy Secretary General, delivered the keynote speech on the Customs' vision for the future, emphasizing their crucial role in the dynamic and challenging international environment. The event concluded with an engaging round table led by the WCO, featuring the participation of the private sector, academia, and the Acting Customs Director of DIAN. Following interactive discussions, the panellists agreed on the importance of public-private coordination, digitalization, the reduction of red tape, and the strengthening of human resources as key challenges to continue facing.

The WCO and the Swiss Cooperation Office in Colombia acknowledged the positive impact of the Programme on the country and recognized the Colombian Customs Administration for their active involvement, steadfast dedication, engagement, and hospitality.

For more information on the GTFP, please contact