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Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) officials and WCO A-CIP Programme Experts discuss transparency and integrity in Duty Waiver systems

17 mayo 2023

From 8 to 12 May 2023, following several virtual workshops on Duty Waiver, an in-country mission was conducted by the WCO Anti-Corruption & Integrity Promotion (A-CIP) Programme in response to a specific need identified by Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA). 

Following scoping activities conducted with MRA in 2020, an MRA A-CIP project plan was developed identifying priorities on which the WCO's technical assistance and capacity building (TACB) support under the Programme would focus.  This in-country mission contributed to the specific priority,  “strengthening of Customs procedures and practices for duty waiver”, which is in line with the Revised Arusha Declaration key factor, Regulatory Framework.

The mission’s main objective was to establish clear procedures to enable the implementation of the duty waiver policy in a streamlined and transparent manner.

Customs and Revenue officials holding key positions in areas like Internal Affairs, Internal Audit, Information Technology, Modernization, Investigations, Corporate Affairs, Policy Planning, and Enterprise Risk Management attended the meetings.

MRA and WCO experts reviewed the processes/procedures for waiver request application, decision-making and post-grant of waiver monitoring/follow-up. This activity also emphasized the importance of collective action to combat corruption and promote integrity.

The WCO A-CIP Programme supports more than 20 WCO Member administrations, with funding from Norad and Canada. For more information, please contact: