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The 2nd meeting of the WCO CWOF marks a significant milestone in designing the Future of Work in Customs and trade

26 mayo 2023

Following the agreed work plan of the WCO Customs Work Organization Forum (CWOF) and the outstanding achievements of its first meeting held on 13 December 2022, the WCO organized virtually on 23 May 2023, the 2nd meeting of the CWOF with the participation of high-level representatives from WCO Members and partners, including the private sector, international organizations, academia, private consultants, and civil society.

Through the CWOF’s meetings and activities, the WCO is aiming at creating a knowledge management ecosystem where experiences, practices and initiatives are generated taking into consideration all perspectives (client, staff, process, technology….) but also shared effectively with all Customs and Trade communities through several channels (guide, compendium, conference, forum, Community of practices, capacity building…).

During this meeting, the participants had the opportunity to hear from Customs Administrations (all WCO six regions represented) who have engaged in a learning process and have adopted new sustainable working models in the new normal, including innovative approaches to Customs Work setup and Customs’ day-to-day operations, Workplace design and Workforce management, to share their initiatives, challenges, benefits and way forwards. Six insightful presentations covering the three areas of the Customs organization were delivered, including (i) Creating a Maritime Workforce NZ Customs Service, (2) Reengineering Nigeria Customs Service operational processes and Digital Transformation, (iii) Workplace Design in Canada Border Services Agency as part of the Future of Work, (iv) Workplace Design Strategy in Finish Customs in the New Normal, (v) Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority’s Programme for Employees’ Well-being, and (vi) Fostering Trust in the Employment Relationship at the Mauritius Revenue Authority (all presentations and meeting’s document are available in the event webpage).

In addition, participants approved the structure of the WCO Compendium of best practices on work organization, workplace design and workforce management. The participants were strongly encouraged to share their case studies to enrich the compendium.

As a way forward, the last meeting of the WCO CWOF is expected to hold in October or November 2023, where a draft compendium will be presented. In addition, the WCO, in collaboration with the CWOF’s participants, will develop the WCO guide on Hybrid Customs Administrations - Towards a Sustainable Working Model and organize the WCO Global Conference on Working Model in Customs in the New Normal.  

For more information about the CWOF and its activities and the WCO People Development offer, please contact: