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The SECO-WCO GTFP supports the Bolivian National Committee on Trade Facilitation

24 noviembre 2023

From 30 October to 1 November 2023, the World Customs Organization (WCO) conducted a Trade Facilitation (TF) and stakeholder coordination workshop for the Bolivian National Committee on Trade Facilitation (NCTF) within the SECO-WCO Global Trade Facilitation Programme (GTFP) framework. The mission aimed to build capacities for a well-functioning NCTF, develop a roadmap for implementing TF measures and provide guidance to the Bolivian NCTF to update its Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) notifications to the World Trade Organization (WTO), bearing in mind Bolivia’s achievements of the past five years.

Throughout the mission, the WCO experts collaborated closely with the participants of the Customs administration and all the relevant agencies, providing technical guidance on enhancing the NCTF’s role in boosting TF nationwide. As a result of the intensive 3-day workshop, a national roadmap for the NCTF was drafted to address Bolivia’s top priorities, including establishing a National Single Window and expanding their Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) Programme. Furthermore, a TFA notifications matrix was developed to assist Bolivia in updating its notifications to the WTO.

Finally, a joint session was undertaken with private sector representatives touching upon topics such as expedited shipments. Altogether, this workshop enhanced cooperation among the NCTF members and fostered the participation of the private sector in their initiatives.

Established in 2021, the Bolivian NCTF operates with the Customs Administration of Bolivia (AN) as the permanent secretariat. The NCTF pursues outcomes such as improving transparency and dialogue, negotiating trade or trade facilitation agreements, and integrating trade facilitation into other national policies.

The WCO, through the SECO-WCO GTFP, continues to support Customs administrations in their efforts to strengthen the role of the NCTFs. This support involves engaging other government agencies, the private sector, and other stakeholders in ongoing initiatives for TF, working towards uniform implementation of the technical provisions of the WTO TFA.

For more information on the GTFP, please contact