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The WCO conducts a Competency-based Human Resources Management Workshop for the Serbian Government

24 noviembre 2023

The World Customs Organization (WCO) conducted a Competency-based Human Resources Management (CBHRM) Workshop for the Serbian Government on 15 and 16 November 2023 in Belgrade, Serbia. This technical assistance, supported by the SECO-WCO Global Trade Facilitation Programme (GTFP), aimed to review the key components of CBHRM, foster awareness and garner political will for reforming Human Resources Management (HRM) within the Customs Administration of Serbia (CAS).

The comprehensive workshop brought together 21 participants from the CAS, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Public Administration and Self-Government and the Human Resource Management Service, who were actively engaged throughout the 2-day assistance and enhanced their capacities in Strategic Human Resources Management, HRM System, Competency-based HRM framework principles and tools, and guidelines for managing an HRM Modernization Project.

Competency-based Human Resources Management has been identified as a pressing issue in the process of modernization of the CAS. The WCO is pleased to support the CAS in its endeavours to secure the necessary political will and buy-in, from the Administration and various stakeholders within the Serbian Government.

For more information on the GTFP, please contact