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Training of trainers: an innovative initiative to promote a culture of integrity

20 septiembre 2023

To strengthen a culture of integrity and promote a sustainable achievement of anti-corruption objectives, the WCO Anti-Corruption and Integrity Promotion Programme (A-CIP) organized, in collaboration with the Training Academy of the Federal Finance Public Service (FPS) of Belgium, a pilot “integrity training of trainers” activity. The workshop, taking place in Brussels from 28 August to 08 September 2023, gathered ten Customs executives from the A-CIP French-speaking beneficiary – Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Mali, Niger and Tunisia.

This joint activity aimed at exchanging techniques and good practices of integrity trainers, as well as the appropriation of three training modules dedicated to strengthening the culture of integrity within Customs administrations: “The Revised Arusha Declaration in practice”, “Building a Culture of Integrity: Fundamentals” and “Building a Culture of Integrity: From Words to Actions”. Participants also benefited from FPS insights on strategies and techniques, already proven in a Customs context.

Alternating theoretical and practical contributions, reflection and strategic planning, role-playing exercises, participants developed a draft roadmap for short and medium term implementation of training and teaching, tailored to their national and regional contexts.

This activity, complementing the work planned under the WCO A-CIP Programme to promote communities of practice within the WCA region, aimed at creating sustainability of integrity-related initiatives already conducted under the Programme.

The WCO A-CIP Programme currently supports more than 20 countries in five of the six WCO regions, with funding from Norad and Canada. For more information, please contact