West and Central Africa Customs enhance their Rules of Origin capacities

05 diciembre 2024

Under the frameworks of the EU-WCO Rules of Origin Africa Programme, funded by the European Union (EU) and the WCO-JICA Joint Project, the World Customs Organization (WCO) held a four-day regional workshop on rules of origin for West and Central Africa (WCA) Customs Administrations.  The workshop was held in Abuja, Nigeria, from 26 to 29 November 2024 with the objective of assisting Customs Administrations in enhancing their knowledge and application of preferential rules of origin. 

The opening ceremony was officiated by the Deputy Comptroller General, Tariff and Trade, Madame C. K. NIAGWANFSI, representing the Comptroller General of Nigeria Customs.  In her opening remarks, the Deputy Comptroller General took note that discussions on the Rules of Origin have become more critical than ever, particularly with the coming into force of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), which has immense potential to boost economic prosperity of its Members by boosting intra-African trade.   In this regard, Customs has a crucial role to play in ensuring that the objectives of the AfCFTA are realised thus the need for continual capacity building.  Lastly, she appreciated the EU and the WCO for their continued partnership to enhance technical expertise of Customs Administrations in Africa on rules of origin.  Also in attendance was a representative from the WCO Regional Office for Capacity Building (ROCB), Madame Yolande Josephine SANGOU.

During the workshop, participants worked on key concepts for proper origin determination, related operational and procedural issues, including origin certification and origin irregularities, as well as the establishment of efficient origin management, including advance ruling.  The participants also exchanged country best practices as well as discussed country-specific challenges on application and implementation of rules of origin, which included political interference, low levels of rules of origin prioritisation, need for extensive training of Customs officials and private sector, manual origin systems, inadequate administrative cooperation, and proper administration of advance rulings. Considering the identified challenges, participants proposed mitigation measures that respective Customs Administrations could implement for effective and efficient implementation and management of rules of origin both at national and regional level.

The participants actively engaged in discussions and practical activities throughout the workshop and in the wrap up session expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to interact with Customs colleagues from the region and to exchange valuable knowledge, experiences, and best practices, which would contribute to enhanced trade facilitation as well as fair and efficient revenue collection.  

The EU-WCO Rules of Origin Africa Programme together with the WCO-JICA joint Programme, and in collaboration with the WCA WCO ROCB, will continue its work in the region and looks forward to holding an advanced level training to deepen the knowledge of the Customs officials for efficient implementation and application of rules or origin.

For further information please contact EU-WCORoOAfrica.Program@wcoomd.org