Fostering Digital Collaboration: Key Outcomes from the 69th Meeting of the DMPT

22 mayo 2024

The 69th Meeting of the Data Model Projects Team (DMPT) convened in a hybrid format on 16-17 May 2024 at the World Customs Organization (WCO) in Brussels. 136 participants from WCO Members and external stakeholders registered to participate in the meeting. In preparation for the meeting, a Focus Group session was held from 13 to 15 May 2024 to facilitate and refine issues for detailed discussions during the DMPT plenary session.

The meeting opened with remarks from Pranab Kumar Das, Director of Compliance and Facilitation, who emphasized the crucial role of the WCO Data Model (DM) in adapting to the evolving dynamics of global trade. He highlighted the importance of collaboration and active participation to enhance the WCO DM’s adaptability while also addressing the complexities of international trade.  Members reaffirmed their commitment to advancing the WCO DM by sharing national approaches to support seamless data exchange and global trade facilitation.

The DMPT examined three Data Maintenance Requests (DMRs) submitted by New Zealand on the Booking and Reservation Information/Passenger Name Record (BRI/PNR) dataset for cruise passengers. The DMPT approved the DMRs for inclusion in the WCO DM Version 4.1.0. Subsequently, the DMPT updated the BRI/PNR Data Model, building on previous DMRs and additional feedback to support the BRI pilot implementation.

The DMPT continued refining the Customs Bonds dataset in cooperation with the International Credit Insurance & Surety Association (ICISA). The DMPT also discussed the approach in aligning the Unified File Format (UFF) metadata with the WCO DM to improve interoperability between scanning devices and Customs systems. The DMPT identified that the UFF Metadata element pertinent to Cargo information should be mapped and aligned to the WCO DM.

Delegates assessed the ongoing regional work to harmonize railway datasets. Collaboration with relevant organizations and regional entities is expected to propel this project forward as a critical step towards railway data standardization.

The DMPT finalized the modelling of the Certificate of Origin (CO) dataset in support of the feasibility study on the CO interconnectivity framework carried out by the Technical Committee on Rules of Origin (TCRO). The CO data model will be used as the basis for a DMR submission to a future meeting of the DMPT. The interconnectivity framework aims to streamline the exchange of origin certification data, thereby improving global trade facilitation.

The DMPT recognized the importance of standardized coded values to improve data quality. It supported the development of updated technical guidance on using code lists. The DMPT also explored Linked Data and Verifiable Credential concepts to facilitate machine-readable data exchange across different systems, reducing ambiguity and promoting efficient global interoperability.

The meeting closed with the adoption of the Work Programme for 2023-2025, which will guide the DMPT's future initiatives. A Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson were also elected for 2024-2025. Brendan O'Hearn, Deputy Director in charge of Procedures and Facilitation, delivered the closing remarks, expressed gratitude for the active engagement of all participants, and anticipated further progress at the next DMPT meeting.