Tunisian Customs strengthens its internal affairs management

23 mayo 2024

From May 14 to 16, 2024, the WCO Anti-Corruption and Integrity Promotion (A-CIP) Programme, in partnership with the Mauritius Revenue Authority and the Libyan Customs Authority, held a capacity-building workshop on the topic of internal affairs management for the benefit of Tunisian Customs.

Bringing together some 25 executives representing the main entities of the Tunisian Customs administration involved in internal affairs management, the workshop was a platform for discussions and experience-sharing focused mainly on strengthening reporting mechanisms, consolidating the step-by-step administrative investigation process, optimizing the disciplinary system and implementing preventive measures to help achieve the objectives of the WCO A-CPI Programme in Tunisia and support the ongoing changes.

Following feedback from WCO experts and contributions from specialists from Tunisia Customs, participants were able to identify avenues for optimization in each of the components of internal affairs management relating to certain key factors of the revised Arusha Declaration: regulatory framework, automation, control and investigation, code of conduct and human resources management. Throughout the workshop, exchanges enabled a comparative analysis to be made with the Mauritius model and practical case studies to be carried out for concrete application.

At the workshop's closing ceremony, the Comptroller General of Tunisian Customs praised the constant support of the WCO A-CPI Programme, the financial backing of the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), and the strong mobilization of all workshop participants. She also recalled the importance of a lasting commitment to developing prevention and management of internal affairs, meeting the challenges of the fight against corruption and promoting the integrity of Tunisian Customs.

The WCO A-CIP Programme provides technical assistance and capacity-building support to WCO Member administrations implementing integrity-related initiatives in line with the WCO Revised Arusha Declaration. For more information, please contact capacity.building@wcoomd.org.