The WCO uses its blended capacity-building approach to support Burundi Customs in AEO implementation

18 noviembre 2024

From 28 to 31 October 2024, the World Customs Organisation (WCO), through  the “Trade Facilitation and Customs Modernization Programme for Sustainable Development in Sub-Saharan Africa” 2020-2024 (Sida-WCO TFCM Programme), delivered a follow-up capacity-building mission to Office Burundais des Recettes (OBR) in Bujumbura, Burundi, in the area of Authorised Economic Operator (AEO), a key component of trade facilitation and security. The mission aimed to build the internal capacity of the relevant OBR officials and equip them with the knowledge to improve the existing AEO programme launched in 2014. This highly interactive and engaging workshop was a follow-up to capacity-building support provided to OBR officers using the WCO E-Learning platform (CLiKC!),  conducted between 1 and 30 September 2024. This blended capacity-building effort ensured the onsite engagements built on and augmented existing internal knowledge and skills.

Under the guidance of two WCO technical and operational advisors from Türkiye and Morocco, specialised in AEO programmes, the mission brought together representatives from various OBR units (AEO team, risk analysis, border management services, auditors, surveillance). The participants held in-depth discussions on the challenges facing the current programme, alignment with the AEO criteria defined in the SAFE Framework of Standards, the monitoring and renewal of AEO certificates, the inclusion of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the enhancement of facilities granted, the risk management of the AEO programme, as well as the presentation of the experience and best practices of the AEO experts' Customs administrations.

A visit to an AEO-certified company allowed participants to observe first-hand the implementation of AEO criteria on site and to gauge the degree of satisfaction of the said company with the advantages granted and their effective implementation on the ground.

This collaborative effort between the WCO and OBR represents a significant step towards improving trade facilitation, promoting business competitiveness and economic growth and strengthening security and safety measures in Burundi.

For more information on WCO capacity building, please contact