From 22-26 September 2024, the Jordan Customs Department (JCD) benefited from the experiences of experts from Mauritius and Spain experts in Amman under the WCO Anti-Corruption & Integrity Promotion (A-CIP) Programme for Customs. Officials from JCD applied the perspectives shared to the development of an integrity action plan and on the building blocks of the internal affairs function. Two senior Palestinian Customs officials were also present throughout the week to observe and take lessons back to their home administration to aid the development of an internal affairs function.
During the first half of the week, JCD analysed and discussed the importance and effects of having an action plan in line with the Revised Arusha Declaration (RAD) together with the experts. JCD officials and WCOexperts discussed each of the components of the RAD regarding their application to the management and functioning of the JCD, including how to fit them into the next JCD integrity action plan. During the second half of the week, senior officials were engaged on their capacity to influence, impact or foster organizational change around Jordan Customs’ internal affairs function. These officials provided feedback on progress made around the building blocks of JCD’s internal affairs and the WCO experts provided guidance on the way forward in strengthening them.
The Brigadier of JCD expressed commitment to finalizing his administration’s integrity action plan and developing a sustainable and robust internal affairs unit to tackle corruption effectively and enhance integrity with all stakeholders in the supply chain.
The WCO A-CIP Programme provides technical assistance and capacity-building support to WCO Member administrations implementing integrity-related initiatives in line with the WCO Revised Arusha Declaration.
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