National Workshop on Customs Valuation and Transfer Pricing in Cambodia

18 septiembre 2024

The World Customs Organization (WCO) successfully conducted a five-day national workshop on Customs Valuation and Transfer Pricing for the General Department of Customs and Excise (GDCE) of Cambodia. The workshop, which took place from 9 to 13 September 2024, was funded by the Customs Cooperation Fund (CCF) of Korea.

The workshop was attended by 50 technical officers from Cambodia Customs, including valuation officers from various border checkpoints. It was organized as part of Cambodia’s Customs Reform and Modernization Strategy (SCRM) 2024-2028, which emphasizes the importance of building technical capacity in key areas such as Customs valuation.

Facilitated by two WCO experts, the workshop covered a wide range of topics regarding the application of the WTO Customs Valuation Agreement, including transaction value, related party transactions, alternative valuation methods, transfer pricing, practical guidelines for valuation control and advance ruling. The workshop also featured practical discussions on local valuation challenges, valuation risk management, and cooperation between Customs and tax authorities.

Key outcomes of the workshop include enhanced understanding among participants of how transfer pricing impacts Customs valuation and paving the way for the GDCE to initiate the task of drafting an SOP for addressing transfer pricing in the context of Customs valuation.

The workshop also facilitated knowledge-sharing on best practices and lessons learned, with participants actively engaging in discussions and case studies relevant to their operational contexts.

Both the opening and closing ceremonies of the workshop were honoured by the Deputy Director General of GDCE, Mr. Pha Eng Veng, and other senior members of the management. In his closing remarks, Mr. Pha Eng Veng highlighted the significance of the workshop and urged the participants to share the knowledge and experience with colleagues in their respective departments.