Permanent Technical Committee

31 enero 2014

I. Opening and adoption of the Agenda

II. Future of Customs - PC0400E

III. E-commerce - PC0401E

IV. Update and reports

a) Inter-sessional developments PC0402E

b) Report from the 3rd Meeting of the TFAWG

c) ECP progress report PC0403E

d) Air Cargo Security

    9th Meeting of Technical Experts Group on Air Cargo Security

f) Highlights from the 68th Meeting of the Information Management Sub-Committee

g) Customs Compliance and Data Quality PC0404E

V. Data Quality

a) Terms of Reference for a Virtual Working Group on Data Quality PC0405E

VI. Integrated Supply Chain Management

a) Integrated Supply Chain Management: from concept to reality PC0406E

VII. Customs brokers PC0407E

a) Presentation by Argentina

b) Presentation by Japan

VIII. Customs-Business Partnership

a) Advanced pillar of the Customs-Business Partnership Guidance PC0408E

b) Transparency and Predictability Guidelines PC0409E

IX. Regional Integration

a) Overview of WCO projects and activities to strengthen regional integration PC0410E

X. Performance measurement

a) WCO work related to performance measurement including a report from discussions at the Capacity Building Committee (held on 23-25 February 2015) PC0412E

XI. Globally Networked Customs and Information Technology
a) Discussion on the envisaged report to the Policy Commission on the Proof-of-Concept Phase PC0413E

b) IT Guidance for Executives PC0414E

XII. The role of Customs in Natural Disaster Relief – including an update on the Customs Community contribution to the fight against the Ebola virus disease

a) Update on the implementation of the Resolution on Natural Disaster Relief PC0415E

    Presentation by UN OCHA

    Presentation by Sri Lanka

    Presentation by Philippines

XIII. WCO Recommendations

a)  Situation Regarding Acceptances of WCO Recommendations PC0416E

XIV. PTC Management

a) Progress report and update of the Work Programme 2013-2016 PC0417E1

b) Involvement of the private sector in the PTC meetings PC0418E