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Agenda Items 225/226


Monday 28 October 2019, from 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.


Opening and adoption of the Agenda

(For guidance and decision)

a. Keynote speech by Dr. Monique ELOIT, Director General, World Organisation for Animal Health (OiE)

b. Opening address by Dr. Kunio MIKURIYA, Secretary General, WCO

c. Adoption of the Draft Agenda and the Summary Document



Coordinated Border Management (CBM)

(To take note, for discussion, guidance and decision)

a. Panel discussion to address latest challenges and opportunities in cooperation between Customs and other border agencies




ItemIIa_CBM Panel_CODEX_da Costa_EN

  • IMO

ItemIIa_CBM Panel_IMO_Mr.Madsen_EN

  • IOM

ItemIIa_CBM Panel_IOM_Mr.Forster_EN

  • IPPC
  • OIE

ItemIIa_CBM_Panel_OiE_Ms. Mylrea

  • OSJD (tbc)

Moderator: Ms. Ana Hinojosa, Director Compliance and Facilitation, WCO

Coordinated Border Management (CBM) continues to be a key priority for the WCO and its Members. The WCO has in the last year and more intensified cooperation with a number of international standard-setting organizations that are of relevance to Customs and border management. A panel of speakers coming from a number of these organizations will have an opportunity to discuss, with the WCO and its Members, some of the latest challenges and opportunities for cooperation between Customs and other border agencies.

b. Single Window: WCO Reform and Modernization – Monitoring Activities and Projects (RAM-MAP) and Single Window Interactive Map (SWIM) – Progress report


The Secretariat will report on progress on current state of RAMMAP-SWIM. The report will emphasize currently available functionalities, information present in the data base and upcoming developments in the redesigned version. During the PTC there will be a live demonstration of the platform. The PTC will take note and will be asked to provide eventual inputs, suggestions for promoting the platform and making it a useful tool for Member Administrations.

c. Globally Networked Customs (GNC) – latest technologies bringing momentum to the GNC agenda


The Secretariat will seek Members’ guidance and support for further actions to enhance the implementation of the GNC agenda, taking stock of the current state of play on exchanges of information and considering the impact that latest technologies could have in this context and in the context of the Single Window environments. The Secretariat will also report on the current GNC Utility Blocks (UBs) and on issues related to the certification process.

The PTC will be invited to provide guidance and discuss the way forward on the different aspects of interoperability, including development of new UBs, as well as the update of the GNC Handbook.


IMO FAL Compendium

(For discussion and decision)

  • Revision and future maintenance of the IMO FAL Compendium on Facilitation and Electronic Business


At its 201st /202nd and 205th/206th Sessions, the PTC had agreed to involve the Data Model Project Team (DMPT) more deeply in the management of the IMO FAL Compendium and to work on the technical maintenance for the IMO FAL Compendium. In January 2019, the IMO FAL Focus Group of the DMPT finalized the draft revised IMO FAL Compendium, including an IMO Data Set and an IMO Reference Data Model, which was presented by WCO to the 43rd session of the IMO Facilitation Committee (FAL 43) and endorsed by this committee. FAL 43 also discussed the future responsibility for the function of maintaining the revised IMO FAL Compendium and agreed to move this responsibility to IMO and to establish a partnership agreement on the basic principles for a collaborative maintenance work between the IMO, WCO, UNECE, and ISO. The Secretariat will report on the outcome of FAL 43 and the decisions that have been taken regarding the future maintenance of the revised IMO FAL Compendium. The PTC will be invited to take note on the revised IMO FAL Compendium and to agree on the decision of FAL 43 regarding the responsibility for the future maintenance work.



Update and reports

(For decision)

a. Inter-sessional developments


b. Report from the 76th Meeting of the Information management Sub-Committee (23-24 May 2018)


c. Report from the 16th Meeting of the WCO Counterfeiting and Piracy (CAP) Group (30 September - 1 October 2019)


  • Terms of Reference (ToR) of the CAP Group

(For information)

d.Report from the 21st Meeting of the SAFE Working Group (16-18 April 2019)


e.Report from the 5th Meeting of the Technical Experts Group on Non-Intrusive Inspection (TEG-NII) (10-11 June 2019)


f.Report from the 20th Meeting of the Revised Kyoto Convention Management Committee (17-18 June 2019)


g.Report from the 81st Session of the Policy Commission (24-26 June 2019)


h.Report from the 133th / 134th Sessions of the Council (27-29 June 2019)


i.Report from the 22nd Meeting of the SAFE Working Group (23-25 October 2019)


Update and reports is a standing PTC agenda item which groups all “A”-items, namely reports from different WCO working bodies or from the Secretariat. Some of them require approval (sub-items under 1.), while the majority are for notetaking and don’t require much discussion (sub-items under 2.). However, delegates may raise any issue or launch a relevant discussion, if required. In addition, the CAP Group has approved the draft ToR at its meeting in September 2019. The PTC will be requested to approve the revised ToR, if appropriate, to be sent to the December 2019 Policy Commission.


Time Release Study (TRS)

(For discussion and guidance)

a. Members experiences in using the Time Release Study

  • Presentation by Mexico

ItemVa1_Mexico TRS_VF

  • Presentation by Burundi


b. Update on the cooperation between the WCO and the World Bank Group on the use of the TRS Software


The PTC will be informed about WCO Members’ recent experience in carrying out TRS.

In addition, the PTC will be updated on the WCO cooperation with the World Bank Group related to the update of the TRS software, including a workshop organized in the context of updating the TRS software. The PTC will also be invited to provide further inputs and recommendations for this work.


Passenger Facilitation and Control

(For discussion and decision)

a. Cruise Ship Report: “Way forward to improve Cruise Ship Controls – A Customs Perspective”


At its last meeting, the PTC took note and provided guidance to the work of the Brussels-based Attaches Working Group on Cruise Ships. The PTC will now have an opportunity to examine the final Cruise Ship Report for review and endorsement before submission to the December 2019 Policy Commission. The PTC will also be orally updated on the discussions on this topic which will take place at the extraordinary meeting of the Enforcement Committee in the week of 21 October 2019.

b. Passenger Facilitation and Control in all modes of transport


The June 2019 Policy Commission was updated with the ongoing work on Cruise Ship Controls. The need to have a harmonized approach for passenger facilitation and control across different modes of transport was raised during the discussion. The PTC will be invited to provide its guidance on how to address the topic, taking into account the potential recommendation provided by the API/PNR Members' only meeting that will be convened on 2 October 2019.


Tuesday 29 October 2019, from 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.


Customs-Railways Cooperation

(For discussion and guidance)

  • Progress report on DMPT discussion and field studies

ItemVII_Customs-Railway Cooperation_WCO_Lee_EN

The Secretariat will explain the latest developments and work in the area of Customs-Railways cooperation, including the field studies carried out in Bulgaria and Kazakhstan, the result of the Data Model Projects Team (DMPT) survey and DMPT discussions on railway transit data harmonization. The PTC will be invited to take note of the progress report, to discuss the way forward and to provide guidance.


Small Island Economies’ (SIEs) initiative

(For discussion and guidance)

  • Draft Guidance on Small Island Economies


The March 2019 PTC had discussed the topic of Small Island Economies (SIEs) and took note of the work done in the area of SIEs; as well as provided feedback confirming the importance of this work continuing for the benefit of this segment of the organization’s membership and other SIEs.

The Secretariat will report on the progress to date and will provide an update on the development of the Guidance for Customs administrations in SIEs based on the draft outline approved by the December 2018 Policy Commission and in collaboration with Regional Organizations. The Co-chairs of the Virtual Drafting Working Group will present the preliminary draft of the envisaged Guidance.

The PTC will be requested to discuss the work done so far and provide further guidance on the development of the envisaged guidance for Customs administrations in SIEs.


Special Customs Zones (SCZs)

(To take note, for discussion and guidance)

a. Presentation(s) from the private sector


b. WCO research paper on SCZs


c. Draft Guidance on SCZs


After the presentations from the private sector on the benefits and challenges relating to Special Customs Zones, the Secretariat will introduce the WCO research paper on the topic.The Secretariat will also present the draft Guidance. The PTC will be invited to take note of the presentation(s) and the research paper, and to discuss the draft Guidance, as well as to provide inputs/comments for further improvements.



Inward and outward processing procedures

(For discussion and guidance)

  • Update of the Handbook on Inward and Outward Processing Procedures


Two years after the publishing of the Handbook on Inward and Outward Processing Procedures, the WCO held a Global Experience-Sharing Workshop on this topic in May 2019 in Brussels, with a view of further updating and improving the Handbook. The Worskhop showed a number of interesting results about these procedures, which are also mandatory technical measures under Article 10.9 of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement. The PTC will be invited to discuss and provide guidance for the update of the Handbook.




(For discussion and decision)

  • WCO contribution for the implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action for Landlocked Developing Countries
  • Compendium of Best Practices in the Area of Transit

The PTC will be provided with an update regarding the WCO efforts to support the implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action for Landlocked Developing Countries for the decade 2014-2024. As part of those efforts, following the launch of the WCO Transit Guidelines in July 2017, the WCO put the focus on the implementation of the guidelines and the collection of best practices. In this context regional workshops on transit were organized for the six WCO regions. The workshops were aimed at promoting the implementation of the Transit Guidelines and at collecting national and regional good practices in the area of transit. Members’ practices were also provided in response to a call for submission of best practices. The Secretariat has compiled thel inputs received in a draft Compendium of Best Practices in the Area of Transit. The PTC will be invited to examine the draft Compendium and provide suggestions and inputs in view of finalizing the Compendium and submitting it for endorsement at the April 2020 PTC sessions.


Wednesday 30 October 2019, from 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.


Future of Customs

(To take note and for discussion)

a. Panel discussion on Strategic foresight – “Designing the Future of Customs”


  • OECD
  • EU DG Joint Research Center



At its meeting in April 2017, the PTC decided that the Virtual Working Group on the Future of Customs will focus on exploring two different areas: i) disruptive technologies; and ii) strategic foresight. The Group and the PTC have since been focusing mainly on the first of the two priorities.

As a way of familiarizing the PTC with the topic, at its November 2018 meeting, the EU DG Joint Research Center presented the main principles of foresight and the outline of a project on the Future of Customs in the EU.

The PTC will now have an opportunity to learn more about strategic foresight from a number of speakers who will, through a panel discussion, address in particular the way this methodology can be used to design the Future of Customs, which has been underlined as an important priority during the June 2019 Council and Dialogue between the Private Sector Consultative Group and the Policy Commission, as well as within other fora.

b. Blockchain technology for the future of Customs: challenges encountered so far – panel discussion

ItemXII.b blockchain then https


At its last meeting, the PTC discussed the use of blockchain in Customs and other regulatory processes, associated challenges, prerequisites and potential policy, legal and technical considertions. The PTC underscored the need for interoperability of blockhains and standardization of data including interface thereof with Customs systems, and suggested the WCO to carry out work in these areas in coordination with other international organizations and relevant stakehoders, with a view to potentially developing guidance/recommendations.

At this meeting, the PTC will have an opportunity to hear about the challenges faced by Customs administrations directly involved in blockchain pilot projects, with a view to gaining a better understanding of the benefits observed, especially in terms of increasing the level of access to information required for their regulatory processes and procedures. The PTC will be invited to take note and provide recommendations for further progressing the work on this topic.


Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

(For discussion and guidance)

  • How can trade facilitation and Customs support SDGs, especially in managing plastic and e-wastes

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  • Members’s operational experience (tbc)
  • Basel Convention Secretariat (tbc)

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During the last session of the PTC, Members acknowledged the role that Customs can play to support the achievement of the United Nations SDGs.

The Sustainable Development Agenda calls for, among others, synergic effort to monitor and make the entire supply chain traceable for environmental sustainability. Within the framework of coordinated border management, Customs administrations can have a role in managing the risks that the cross-border trade might pose to the environment.

Recently, plastic and e-wastes have garnered a lot of attention in international fora, especially with reference to the environmental crisis brought about by illegal waste importation to Asia/Pacific and Africa regions originating in Asia-Pacific, Europe and North America Members. In this context, Customs are confronted with an increasing pressure on shaping feasible solutions to ensure compliant legal waste importation, while promoting waste export control.

The PTC will consider and provide guidance how to enhance the Customs role in managing plastic and e-wastes, after having listened to some initiatives and operational experience shared by Members and other international organizations which are leading on the topic.



Economic Competitiveness Package (ECP)

(For discussion and decision)

a. Aligning Action Plan for Phase IV with the new WCO Strategic Plan


b. Break out-session on low level of accessions to conventions sponsored or administered by the WCO and implementation of WCO instruments


The December 2018 Policy Commission had endorsed the ECP Action Plan for Phase IV (January 2019-December 2020) which was in line with the WCO Strategic Plan. The PTC will be invited to discuss the draft revised Action Plan, which is aligned with the new WCO Strategic Plan endorsed by the June 2019 Council and, if appropriate, endorse it.

The management and promotion of instruments and tools on trade security and facilitation is a key activity in the process of implementation of the ECP Action Plans. The low level of accessions to conventions sponsored or administered by the WCO and implementation of WCO instruments and tools has been raised by Members and stakeholders on several occasions. The PTC will have an opportunity to discuss the level of accessions to international conventions in the area of procedures and facilitation, the steps to accede to those conventions and the mechanisms to follow-up implementation. In a break-out session, delegates will discuss in more detail the challenges and possible solutions regarding accession to and implementation of the relevant conventions in the area of procedures and facilitation.


PTC Work Programme

(For discussion and decision)

  • Progress on PTC Work Programme 2016/2019 and endorsement of PTC Work Programme 2019-2022


The PTC works in line with a long-term Work Programme that is directly linked to the WCO Strategic Plan. It is intended to be updated in accordance with the decisions taken by the Committee and the governing bodies of the WCO, namely the Policy Commission and the Council.

The PTC will be updated on the progress of implementation of the WP 2016-2019. The PTC will also discuss, with a view to endorsing, the draft WP 2019-2022, which covers the financial years 2019/2020, 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 and is aligned with the new WCO Strategic Plan endorsed by the Council in June 2019.


Thursday 31 October 2019, from 10.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.



(For discussion and decision)

a. E-Commerce Package – outstanding work items


The June 2019 Policy Commission and Council had endorsed the E-Commerce package, with the exception of three documents (i.e., Reference Data Set for E-Commerce, Revenue Collection Approaches, and E-Commerce Stakeholders : Roles and Responsibilities) and extended the mandate of the Working Group on E-Commerce (WGEC), in a virtual manner, until June 2020. Based on the intersessional work conducted virtually on the outstanding documents, the PTC will carry out further work and provide guidance, as appropriate.

b. Framework of Standards – update/maintenance mechanism


At its March 2019 sessions, the PTC had recognized the need to define a mechanism for maintaining the Framework of Standards on Cross-Border E-Commerce and associated documents as certain aspects might need to be refined, reviewed and amended in the future, given that E-Commerce is a dynamically evolving environment. To that end, the PTC had invited Members to submit proposals with regard to the maintenance process to the Secretariat by 1 September 2019 for further discussion at the Autumn PTC sessions. Based on Members’ suggestions, the PTC will discuss and define a maintenance mechanism.

c. Compendium of E-Commerce case studies


  • Presentation by EU


Based on the case study templates endorsed by the June 2019 Policy Commission and Council, Members’ case studies on e-commerce related implementation experiences and initiatives are being collected. The PTC will discuss the potential development of a compendium of case studies, encourage Members and stakeholders to share their experiences in the given templates, and provide necessary guidance. This compendium will aid in future awareness raising for Members.


d.Collaboration with other international organizations

  • WTO


  • Other International Organizations


Recognizing the significance of growing e-commerce, several international organizations are following different streams of work in the e-commerce area. The PTC will have an opportunity to hear and discuss respective perspectives of some of these international organizations, provide guidance on how to promote the WCO’s work, especially in relation to Customs and trade facilitation aspects of cross-border e-commerce that should be taken into account in related discussions at various fora, and suggest ways to collaborating with, and supporting, other Organization’s work and leveraging synergies in the pursuit of meeting common global objectives.

e.Opioids in international mail


There are growing concerns with regard to the movement of opioids in international mail. The PTC will take stock of the emerging developments, the ongoing collaborative work with the UPU to curb opioids in international mail including the development of strategies, related tools and mechanisms, and the organization of capacity building activities to enhance Customs and postal operators’ capacities for countering transportation of opioids through posts. Going forward, the PTC will discuss this issue from a wider perspective and provide guidance on future work.


Any other business

(To take note)

a. Proposals for agenda ítems for the next PTC meeting

b. Upcoming events


As is the current practice in every meeting, the PTC will be provided with an opportunity to suggest agenda items for the next PTC meeting. Ideally, the delegates will put forward non paper(s) to support their proposal(s).

Under the same item, the Secretariat will provide an update on the WCO events and meetings. Delegates are encouraged to share any information on upcoming workshops, seminars, conferences or other relevant meetings of interest to PTC delegates.

