Private Sector Consultative Group

During its June 2005 annual sessions in Brussels, the WCO Council agreed to establish a Private Sector Consultative Group (PSCG). The PSCG was formed for the purpose of informing and advising the WCO Secretary General, the Policy Commission and WCO Members on Customs and international trade matters from the perspective of the private sector. The PSCG complements the vital contributions made by private sector Observers to WCO Committee meetings. The PSCG’s Terms of Reference can be found here.

The WCO Secretary General, in consultation with the Council Chair and Regional Vice-Chairs, appoints the PSCG members taking into account diversity in terms of e.g. WCO region, business size (including small and medium sized enterprises) and industry sector. The PSCG consists predominantly of businesses/manufacturers and associations. It currently has 30 members.

PSCG members’ term lasts three years and they may not serve more than two consecutive terms. However, former PSCG members can be re-appointed to the PSCG after a three-year hiatus. In order to be considered for re-appointment for a second consecutive period, a member should observe a good level of participation and attendance to meetings, which will be evaluated in consultation with the Chair of the PSCG. To promote continuity, the WCO Secretary General, in consultation with the Council Chair and Regional Vice-Chairs, will appoint new PSCG members when necessary so that terms are staggered. Please consult the PSCG Terms of Reference for more information about the PSCG’s means of operation.

Every year in January, the WCO Secretary General will send a letter to the Vice-Chairs of the WCO Regions, the Chair of the Council and the Chair of the PSCG informing them of openings in the PSCG membership, asking them to inform the wider membership to give them the opportunity to invite relevant entities to apply for PSCG membership.

Entities wishing to become members of the PSCG will have to submit a written application to the WCO Secretary General. Applications can be submitted until the end of March after which the WCO Secretary General will consult with the WCO Vice Chairs in April. In May, a notification will be issued and the WCO Council will be informed about the new constitution of the PSCG at its annual sessions in June. A new PSCG member’s term starts in July and ends three years later.

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