Drafted - September 2005
Revised - December 2014
Revised - December 2017
Revised - June 2021
Confirmed by the Council - June 2021
Private Sector Consultative Group
Chairperson: |
Member of private sector |
Vice-Chairperson: |
Member of private sector |
Established: |
2005 |
Secretariat: |
Duration: |
Unspecified |
1. Mandate
The Private Sector Consultative Group (hereinafter referred to as the “PSCG”), is formed for the purpose of informing and advising the WCO Secretary General, the Policy Commission and WCO Members on Customs and international trade matters from the perspective of the private sector.
- The WCO Secretary General, in consultation with the Council Chair and Regional
Vice-Chairs, will appoint all PSCG members.
- The PSCG should have a diverse (WCO region, business size (including small and medium sized enterprises), industry sector) membership.
- The PSCG will consist of 25 to 30 members.
- The PSCG will predominantly consist of businesses/manufacturers, and of associations
- Input from, and links with, WCO regions will be secured by including the Regional Private Sector Groups (RPSGs) in the PSCG, as members of the PSCG.
3. Purpose and Scope
The purpose and scope of the PSCG is to inform and advise the WCO Secretary General, the Policy Commission and WCO Members on Customs and international trade matters from the perspective of the private sector. The PSCG complements the vital contributions made by private sector Observers to WCO Committee meetings. As the PSCG is an advisor to the WCO Secretary General, the Policy Commission and WCO Members, PSCG members will not be represented or participate as the “PSCG” at non-WCO external events.
4. Key Deliverables
- The PSCG’s key deliverables are :
- to inform and advise the WCO Secretary General, the Policy Commission
and WCO Members on Customs and international trade matters from the perspective of the private sector;
- to support the adoption and effective implementation of agreed WCO and other relevant international instruments;
- to leverage business resources and government relationship to advocate for and implement programmes developed and adopted by the WCO.
- The PSCG shall provide a written report for the Policy Commission and the Secretary General at the conclusion of each meeting.
5. Means of Operation
- PSCG member terms will last three years, the term running from 1 July to 30 June.
- PSCG members cannot serve more than two consecutive terms.
- The PSCG will employ a system of rotation where members leave the PSCG after their terms are completed. After consultation between the WCO Secretary General and the PSCG, this system of rotation may not always apply to international associations representing large proportions of key cross-border actors in global supply chains.
- Former PSCG members can be re-appointed to the PSCG after a one-year hiatus.
- The PSCG Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson shall be elected by the PSCG members. The PSCG Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson are subject to the same term of office and rotation policy as all PSCG members.
- To promote continuity, the WCO Secretary General, in consultation with the Council Chair and Regional Vice-Chairs, will appoint new PSCG members when necessary so that terms are staggered and the PSCG always have 25-30 members.
- The outgoing PSCG Chairperson will be invited to attend PSCG meetings, in an ex officio capacity, for no more than two years immediately following the year during which they ceased to be a Chairperson.
- Entities wishing to become members of the PSCG shall submit a written application to the WCO Secretary General.
- The PSCG members will have Observer status with the WCO for the duration of their appointment to the PSCG and may be invited to attend official WCO meetings in an individual capacity where the Terms of Reference of such meetings permit such attendance.
- The June Policy Commission agenda will include specific designated items pertaining to international trade, for which PSCG members and relevant non-PSCG Observers will be invited to attend.
- Attendance at the December Policy Commission session will be limited to WCO Members. However, the PSCG may be invited to attend the December Policy Commission meeting at the discretion of the WCO Secretary General.
- A WCO Secretariat representative shall be invited to attend and participate
in PSCG meetings.
6. Resources Required
The PSCG may meet at WCO Headquarters.