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Global RILO Meetings

Confirmed by the Council -

Established: June 2003 – TORs January 2010 (Updated January 2015)

Duration: Unspecified

Membership:           Limited-size group composed of Heads, Deputy Heads or representatives of all the  Regional Intelligence Liaison Offices (RILOs). Additional participants may be invited as observers in accordance with the needs of the Meeting, in consultation with the Meeting Chairperson and all the RILOs.

1. Mandate

The mandate is to develop strategic visions for the implementation of the Global RILO Network missions within the framework of the WCO “RILO Recommendation”, and to enhance co-ordination and co-operation among the RILOs and the application of common standards in order to ensure a harmonized approach and performance.

2. Purpose and Scope

The purpose of the GRM is:

  • to oversee the development and effective implementation of the Global RILO Network missions;
  • to discuss and arrive at a common approach to strategic and operational issues;
  • to promote the exchange of views, experiences and best practices among the RILOs.

The tasks of the GRM are:

  • to monitor regularly the developments and progress of the Global RILO Network;
  • to evaluate the performance of the Global RILO Network;
  • to identify the main challenges in the operation of the Global RILO Network and devise solutions;
  • to initiate and co-ordinate activities within the Global RILO Network;
  • to discuss other policy and legal issues related to the Global RILO Network.

3. Key Deliverables

The GRM reports to, and makes recommendations to the WCO Enforcement Committee.

4. Means of Operation

The WCO Secretariat, in consultation with the Chairperson, will notify participants of the dates of each meeting, the draft Agenda and relevant documents, and will invite suggestions for Agenda items from participants.

The Chairperson of the GRM will be elected by the representatives of the RILOs annually, before the conclusion of the previous meeting.

5. Resources Required

The GRM normally meets at least once a year usually at WCO Headquarters in Brussels, for a period of at least 2 days.  If more than one meeting is organized one of these meetings should be held shortly before the Enforcement Committee session in order to prepare for any discussions related to the Global RILO Network and provide the most up-to-date report on the Network.

The WCO Secretariat is responsible for:

  • Distribution of invitations to the GRM participants, including a draft Agenda drawn up in consultation with the Chairperson and the RILOs;
  • Administrative preparations for the meetings, including interpretation during the meeting when held at WCO Headquarters;
  • Preparation of the relevant documents in consultation with the Chairperson, and their distribution to the participants well in advance of the meeting;
  • Facilitation for participants during the course of the meeting;
  • Preparation and distribution of the Report within 60 days following the meeting.

GRM Meetings held in conjunction with National Contact Point Meetings[1]:

The hosting RILO entity is responsible for:

  • On-site administrative preparations for the meetings
  • Provision of interpretation services
    • Prior to conducting the an official GRM meeting back-to-back with an NCP meeting, there must be general consensus among the participating RILO entities to conduct the meeting in only one WCO official language

Amendments to these “Terms of Reference” are subject to the endorsement of the Enforcement Committee.

[1] The following administrative provisions are only applicable to GRM Meetings which are held in conjunction with NCP Meetings outside of the WCO HQ. All other references within the ToR remain unchanged.