WCO Cargo Targeting System Deployed to Kenya Revenue Authority and User Training Delivered

08 septembre 2016

The WCO has delivered training in Kenya to users of the newly deployed WCO Cargo Targeting System (WCO CTS). Training events took place in Nairobi from 22-26 August 2016 and in Mombasa from 29 August to 2 September 2016 attended by personnel from Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), Customs and Border Control. This training is a core component of the WCO CTS implementation within KRA carried out with support from the U.S. Department of State, Export Control and Related Border Security Program and U.S. Customs & Border Protection.

Both events provided hands-on training in the use of the WCO CTS and included creating risk profiles and targeting potentially high-risk cargo consignments. The training also explored how the WCO CTS can enhance current KRA activities and identified a number of improvements to effectiveness and efficiency.

The WCO will be providing additional training and assistance to KRA personnel in Nairobi and Mombasa in the coming months as part of the comprehensive WCO CTS deployment package.

The WCO CTS is a cargo manifest risk assessment and targeting solution developed by the WCO for Customs administrations across the globe that require such capability. It allows those adopting the solution to implement international best practice cargo risk assessment including key pillars of the WCO’s SAFE Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade.

For more information on the WCO CTS project please contact cargotargetingsystem@wcoomd.org