WCO Supports Myanmar Customs to Strengthen its IPR Border Enforcement

04 décembre 2018

The WCO National Workshop for Myanmar Customs on border enforcement of intellectual property rights (IPR) was held from 26 to 30 November 2018 in Yangon, Myanmar, under the sponsorship of Japanese Customs Cooperation Fund (CCF/Japan). A total of 12 Myanmar Customs officers participated in the Workshop and resource speakers from the WCO Asia Pacific Regional Office for Capacity Building (ROCB A/P) and Japan Customs participated in the Workshop to share their knowledge and practices with the participants and facilitated the discussions.

In order to strengthen the IPR border enforcement, the Myanmar Customs has strived for reviewing its current practices and establishing administrative regulations to implement WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights. In the Workshop, participants from the IPR Working Group and newly established IPR Section of Myanmar Customs intensively discussed provisions and elements to be included in administrative regulations. Participants also discussed the roles and responsibilities of IPR section and front line officers as well as the capacity building for officers in order to effectively implement administrative regulations.

Through the workshop, participants reaffirmed the importance of robust IPR border enforcement while keeping in mind that the procedures themselves should not become barriers to trade. Participants also showed their commitment to continuously work for strengthening IPR border enforcement measures at Myanmar Customs.