

Customs declaration for registered baggage


(a) that the baggage referred to below contains only articles of personal use normally used when travelling, such as clothing, household linen, toiletries, books and sports equipment, and that these articles are not being imported for commercial purposes;

(b) that the baggage does not contain :

- foodstuffs, tobacco, alcoholic beverages, anethol, firearms, sidearms, ammunition, explosives, drugs, live animals, plants, radio transitters or transmitter-receivers, currency, species and products obtained from species protected under the Washington Convention of 3March 1973 on international trade in species of fauna and flora in danger of extinction; articles forbidden by the laws of the country of destination on the protection of public decency and morality;

- goods intended for distribution free of charge or otherwise or for professional or commercial purposes;

- goods bought or received by myself outside the Customs territory of my country and not yet declared to the Customs authorities of my country of normal residence (this restriction applies only when returning to the country of normal residence).

2. I HEREBY AUTHORIZE the railway authorities to carry out all Customs formalities.

3. I KNOW that making a false statement renders me liable to prosecution and seizure of my goods.

Country of destination ............. Place of destination .........

Number of items Number of persons accompanying the passenger|

In BLOCK letters



Normal residence : Street ................... No. ..............… ……………..Town : ................. Country : ............

Date-stamp of Signature of passager
departure station Consignment Note
