
(11th JUNE 1968)


DESIRING to facilitate the international transport of goods under Customs seal;

CONSIDERING that the adoption of internationally agreed standards for Customs sealing systems would provide a basis for the recognition by Customs authorities of Customs seals and fastenings (*) affixed in other States, and would therefore facilitate the completion of Customs formalities at frontiers by reducing the need for affixing further seals;

RECOMMENDS that, where Customs seals are affixed in Member States in connection with the international transport of goods, Members of the Council and Members of the United Nations Organization or its specialized agencies, and Customs or Economic Unions should ensure that only seals and fastenings conforming to the technical specifications set out in the Appendix to this Recommendation are used;

RECOMMENDS that Members of the Council and members of the United Nations Organization or its specialized agencies, and Customs or Economic Unions should recognize such Customs seals and fastenings affixed in States having accepted this Recommendation and should so far as possible refrain from adding their own seals;

INVITES Members of the Council and Members of the United Nations Organization or its specialized agencies, and Customs or Economic Unions which accept this Recommendation to notify the Secretary General of the Council of the date from which they will apply the Recommendation and of the conditions of its application. The Secretary General will transmit this information to the Customs administration of all Members of the Council. He will also transmit it to the Customs administrations of the members of the United Nations Organization or its specialized agencies and to Customs or Economic Unions which have accepted this Recommendation.

POINTS OUT that Members of the Council and members of the United Nations Organization or its specialized agencies, and Customs or Economic Unions should, according to the sealing system used, apply adequate safeguards regarding the manufacture and supply of presses, seals and fastenings, and should effectively control their use;

REQUESTS Members of the Council and members of the United Nations Organization or its specialized agencies, and Customs or Economic Unions which accept this Recommendation to notify the Secretary General of the Council of the date from which they will apply the Recommendation and of the conditions of its application. The Secretary General will transmit this information to the Customs administrations of all Members of the Council. He will also transmit it to the Customs administration of the members of the United Nations Organization or its specialized agencies and to Customs or Economic Unions which have accepted this Recommendation.



(*) For the purposes of this Recommendation :

- A "seal" means a piece of metal or other material used to join together the two ends of a fastening in a secure manner.

- A "fastening" means a string, cord, wire, band, etc. used in conjunction with a seal.
- * The Customs Co-operation Council is the official name of the World Customs Organization.