Procedures and Facilitation Sub-Directorate
The Procedures and Facilitation Sub-Directorate develops and shares methods to make Customs controls and procedures more efficient (“trade facilitation” in Customs language). The Sub-Directorate thus deals with the development, maintenance, and promotion of The International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs procedures (Revised Kyoto Convention). The Sub-Directorate also contributes to supply chain security under the WCO SAFE Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade.
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Compliance and Enforcement Sub-Directorate
The Compliance and Enforcement Sub-Directorate develops and shares methods to detect and deter smuggling and terrorism. In addition, it coordinates law enforcement actions against entities who smuggle illegal goods, such as narcotics, endangered species, counterfeit goods, WMD, and who engage in tax (Customs duties) evasion.
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