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First WCO Global Communication Strategies Conference

Communicating seamlessly in the digital age

START DATE 08 октября 2019
END DATE 09 октября 2019
LOCATION WCO Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium


Event's website




We are living in a hyper-connected world where everyone and everything is talking: person to person, person to machine, and machine to machine. With the advent of emerging technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things, there are virtually no communication boundaries between connected objects and human beings.

Customs administrations do not only have a duty to inform their stakeholders about Customs procedures and legislation, but with their increasing role and importance along the global supply chain, they also need to communicate effectively to a global community through well-defined messages addressed to targeted audiences.

With this in mind, and following requests from Members, the WCO is organizing this strategic event to provide a platform for Customs and its stakeholders (private sector, academia, etc.) to share best practices, learn new communication strategies and approaches, and discuss the use of new technologies to boost communication activities, while, at the same time, contributing to the upcoming WCO Handbook on Customs Communication Strategies.

In line with the WCO's theme for 2019, the theme of the conference “Communicating seamlessly in the digital age” will provide participants with the opportunity to probe the smart use of technological solutions and innovations, and better understand how they are reshaping the Customs communication landscape.


Who will attend

Customs communication professionals
Communication experts from the media, international organizations and other institutions



During the conference, Customs communication professionals will share best practices relating to communication strategies, story-telling techniques and also the use of technologies to enlarge their audience base, while the private sector will present their views on ways to improve Customs-to-business cooperation and communication, including through technological solutions.



World Customs Organization
30 rue du Marché
1210 Brussels, Belgium