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Integrity Self-Assessment Workshop

15 февраля 2011

Integrity Self-Assessment Workshop

Monrovia, Liberia - 17-21 January 2011

The Commissioner from the Liberia Bureau Customs and Excise (LBCE) had contacted the WCO with the intention of launching an integrity pilot project related to performance measurement, similar to a project implemented by Cameroon Customs that had been presented already on several occasions, inter alia during the PICARD Conference in Abu Dhabi.

In order to assist LBCE to prepare for that project, a WCO team composed of a WCO officer and experts from Ghana and Sweden conducted an integrity self-assessment workshop from 17 to 21 January 2011. This exercise allowed the participants to identify what was already in place and what issues needed to be addressed with regard to integrity in general and in view of the pilot project in particular.

During the course of its visit, the WCO mission was able to meet with the Commissioner on a number of occasions as well as with the Vice-Minister of Finance, who gave her full support to the project.

A visit to Monrovia Freeport and the ASYCUDA facilities was also organized.

Participants came from different areas of expertise within Customs and the Ministry of Finance and played an active part in the discussions.

This mission was funded by SIDA, the Swedish Development Agency, and took place in the context of an envisaged tripartite agreement with Ghana and Liberia.