The WCO has been invited to take part in a series of meetings, set in motion by the G8 in Deauville on 27 May 2011, on trade facilitation for certain countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) having started along the path towards democratic transition.
At its Meeting in Deauville in May 2011, the G8, with Egypt and Tunisia, initiated the “Deauville Partnership” to support the historic changes taking place in MENA.
The economic pillar of this Partnership was launched at the Finance Ministers Meeting on
10 September 2011 in Marseille, where it was announced it would be extended to the following partners having come on board – Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates – to assist the countries undergoing far-reaching political and economic change: Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia. Libya has expressed its desire to be part of this initiative.
Donor countries and the main international financial institutions have also joined this Partnership to bolster macroeconomic stability, social cohesion and equitable growth.
In the interests of rapidly providing a suitable framework for enhancing trade and direct foreign investment, the Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI), drawing on the experience of the World Bank and in partnership with the Islamic Development Bank (IDB), has been tasked with co-ordinating an analytical report to be finalized in early 2012.
It is expected to assess the situation and put forward an action plan accompanied by
short- and medium-term recommendations, building largely upon consultation with the countries concerned.
This Partnership will continue under the United States’ G8 Presidency in 2012.
In this connection, the WCO’s Capacity Building Directorate has been invited by the CMI to join a Steering Group which will assist in drafting this analytical report. The first meeting is scheduled for 28 November 2011 in Marseille.
The Customs administrations of countries directly involved in this Partnership have been invited to share their analysis and express their wishes which will be discussed at length during this series of meetings.