Djibouti to enhance connectivity

06 февраля 2012

Djibouti to enhance connectivity

Djibouti, 1-2 February 2012


WCO Secretary General Kunio Mikuriya visted Djibouti from 1 to 2 February 2012 to review progress in Customs modernization at the invitation of Djibouti’s Director General of Customs, Abdi Houssein Bidid.

As a young Customs administration established in 2005, Djibouti joined the WCO in 2007 and promulgated a Customs Code at the beginning of this year based on the WCO Revised Kyoto Convention. Their mission includes the collection of indirect tax at borders which accounts for 60% of national revenue, economic development through an efficient transit system, and security in view of rampant piracy on Somalia's coast.

The WCO delegation had a working session with the management team to review Djibouti's progress in Customs modernization. They agreed to develop an action plan based on the WCO Diagnostic Mission in 2010 to get more support from partners, and to actively use opportunities for train-the-trainers sessions as well as the installation of e-learning. Support for enhanced connectivity with Ethiopia Customs was also identified as a top priority as Djibouti is an essential transit port for Ethiopian goods.

Secretary General Mikuriya also met Prime Minister Dileita Mohamed Deleita and Minister for the Budget Amareh Ali Said who is responsible for Customs. Both political leaders assured the WCO of their full support for Customs, to enable it to play a central role in facilitating and securing the trade supply chain through enhanced connectedness with regional economies.