ARADO visits the WCO CB Directorate

23 января 2012

First working visit from the Arab Administrative Development Organization (ARADO) to the WCO Capacity Building Directorate

Brussels, 16-17 January 2012

On 16-17 January 2012, upon initiative of the Arab Administrative Development Organization (ARADO), a two days working meeting was held at the WCO Secretariat in Brussels. The Capacity Building Directorate could welcome Prof. Refat Abdelhalim Alfaouri, Director General, Dr. Mustafa Fathi Khattab, Head of Technology, and Dr. Badawy M. Ibrahim, Capacity Building Consultant.

Both, ARADO and the WCO provided short presentations on their areas of activities, which were followed by intensive discussions on Capacity Building related issues of common interest, especially including training and Human Resource Development. There was general consensus to further explore areas of mutual interest and potential future cooperation, including participation in each other’s upcoming Conferences and meetings, inter alia the 3rd WCO Capacity Building Meeting in Brussels on 27-29 February and the ARADO Annual meeting of the Arabic and European Directors of National Schools of Administration, Brussels at the Belgium National School of Administration in May 2012.

The ARADO is an institution to develop and improve the delivery of training and Capacity Building in the regional context of the Arabic countries (MENA region) under the League of Arab States; it aims at enhancing socio-economic development and increasing the efficiency of Arab administrations in various development sectors including Customs in the Arab region.