Albania becomes the 142nd Contracting Party to the Harmonized System Convention

22 мая 2012

Albania becomes the 142nd Contracting Party to the Harmonized System Convention

Brussels, 21 May 2012

Press Release

On 16 May 2012, Albania deposited its instrument of accession to the International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (Harmonized System) with the Secretary General of the World Customs Organization (WCO).

Considering that more than 98% of international merchandise trade is classified in terms of the Harmonized System, the WCO is pleased to welcome Albania as the 142nd Contracting Party to the Harmonized System Convention and looks forward to Albania’s active participation in Harmonized System matters.

Albania is located in south eastern Europe, bordering the Adriatic Sea. Its principal export commodities are textiles and footwear, asphalt, metals and metallic ores, crude oil, vegetables, fruits, and tobacco. Albania’s principal import commodities are machinery and equipment, foodstuffs, textiles, and chemicals.

The Harmonized System Convention will enter into force in Albania on 1 January 2014.

Albania has been a Member of the WCO since 31 August 1992.