EAC: preparations for implementation of AEO pilot on their way

08 мая 2012

EAC: preparations for implementation of AEO pilot on their way

The WCO Secretariat and the partner countries of the East African Community - EAC (Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda) conducted a workshop in the beginning of April in Nairobi, Kenya. The objective was to detail and concretize the benefits chosen for the regional Authorized Economic Operator Program to prepare for implementation of the pilot operations. The implementation of AEO structures is part of the WCO Sub-Saharan Customs Capacity Building Programme financed by the Swedish Government.

During the first week of the workshop, members from the Customs administrations and the WCO Secretariat together with the Regional Project Management Office worked intensely to prepare the actual content and design of the chosen benefits (Pre Clearance, Local Clearance, Guarantee Waiver, Inward Processing and Self Management). This was done through the use of business process analysis where the present procedures were transformed into the possible design of future procedures for the selected pilots for the regional Authorized Economic Operator Program. Information requirements, information sharing and risks/opportunities were also documented to constitute a foundation for further work.

During the second week, the result of the work undertaken was presented to the economic operators chosen as pilot partners, constituting coverage of the supply chain (importers, exporters, forwarders, brokers and warehouse keepers). Also delegates from other cross border regulatory authorities (Immigration and Bureau of Standards) participated in the presentations and intense discussions on the trade facilitation benefits. All benefits and the detailing thereof respectively were presented to trade by one of the partner countries. All participating Customs administrations and trade partners regarded the workshop as a significant contribution towards the implementation of the AEO pilot.