Sicpa and the WCO reinforce their cooperation

27 сентября 2012

Sicpa and the WCO reinforce their cooperation

Brussels, 27 September 2012


Kunio Mikuriya, Secretary General of the WCO, and Philippe Amon, President and CEO of Sicpa, signed an agreement on 27 September 2012 concerning Sicpa’s contribution to the WCO capacity building programme.

This agreement marks a further step in the cooperation between the WCO and the private sector, and demonstrates the growing interest of all actors in international supply chain security.

The WCO and Sicpa have worked together in the past, notably on the organization of premier events, such as the WCO IT Conference and Exhibition.

Sicpa will support the next IT Conference which will take place in Dubai from 14-16 May 2012.
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