The WCO welcomes APEC Ministerial Meeting Joint Statement

12 ноября 2014

The World Customs Organization (WCO) welcomes the Joint Ministerial Statement issued by the 26th APEC Ministerial Meeting held in Beijing, China, on 7 and 8 November 2014.

The WCO is particularly welcoming the fact that the Statement includes a reference to the work of the WCO : "We also reaffirm our commitment to further simplify and harmonize customs procedures in line with relevant international standards, including those developed by the World Customs Organization (WCO). We encourage full implementation of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement by customs administrations in APEC economies."

The WCO has supported Members worldwide in implementing trade facilitation measures expeditiously and in a harmonized manner by using core WCO instruments and tools, such as the Revised Kyoto Convention (RKC), SAFE Framework of Standards, Time Release Study and WCO Data Model. Further tools like the Customs and Business Partnership Guidance and the new Transit Handbook will be available shortly.

The APEC Joint Statement recognizes Customs as an important driver for advancing regional integration and contributing to the long-term development and common prosperity of the Asia-Pacific region. Various Customs-related initiatives including Single Window, Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) and protection of intellectual property rights at borders are also highlighted in the Statement. The WCO will continue to contribute to APEC initiatives and projects by providing its tools and expertise.

The full text of the Statement can be accessed via the following link :