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Indian MCTP at the WCO

29 сентября 2014

As part of the overseas component of the Indian Customs Administration Mid Career Training Programme (MCTP), high-level Customs officers headed by Mr. Shri Bankey Behari Agrawal, Additional Director General of the National Academy of Customs, Excise and Narcotics (NACEN), visited WCO Headquarters on 26 September 2014.

The delegation was welcomed by the Deputy Secretary General, Sergio Mujica, who explained the WCO’s mission, its evolution since its foundation in 1953, and its current global objectives and activities.

The meeting continued with a general introduction on the WCO and with more specific presentations on current WCO activities. The WCO’s approach in countering illegal trade was discussed, with a specific focus on WCO programmes, as well as instruments and tools offered to Members. Expertise was shared on the Revised Kyoto Convention, being the blueprint for a modern Customs administration, the SAFE Framework of Standards which supports the security of the supply chain, and the WCO Data Model as well as Single Window as a way to enhance Customs IT interoperability.

The WCO Revenue Package was discussed as well as the latest issues in the Origin, HS and Valuation areas in relation with WCO strategic goals. The meeting ended with the way the WCO and regional structures work together in support of capacity building delivery in the Asia/Pacific region.


  • WCO Deputy Secretary General Sergio Mujica with the participants to the MCTP on visit at the WCO

    WCO Deputy Secretary General Sergio Mujica with the participants to the MCTP on visit at the WCO

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