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WCO supports Indonesia in enlarging the Indonesian AEO programme

03 декабря 2015

Indonesia, which has implemented a national AEO programme since March this year, is currently planning to enlarge the scope of persons/entities eligible to join the programme beyond the current circle of exporters. In this context, upon invitation of the Indonesian Customs & Excise administration, the WCO continued its support and conducted a workshop in Jakarta on 25-26 November 2015.

The event was funded by the Korean WCO Customs Cooperation Fund and was facilitated by two experts from the WCO Secretariat and Japan Customs. Over 40 Customs officers, representatives of the Ministry of Transport and the Private sector benefited from detailed and practical information on the concepts, conditions and requirements for the establishment and expansion of an AEO programme as described in the SAFE Framework of Standards as well as the implementation experiences of the EU, US and Japan.

Participants also elaborated on the potential further alignment of the Indonesian AEO programme with other security programmes, including Civil Aviation Security programmes such as Regulated Agent/Known Consignors.

The WCO stands ready to continue the cooperation with Indonesia in this area.
