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The WCO-MENA Regional Working Group on Resource Mobilization holds its first ever session !

28 января 2015

Bahrain, 19-20 January 2015

Following the recommendations of the 39th meeting of the Directors General of Customs of the WCO-MENA region, which was held in Morocco on the 29th of January 2014, a regional working group on resource mobilization was created to coordinate the resource mobilization efforts of the region, including the preparation and successful organization of a regional donor conference.

The regional working group held its first ever session in Bahrain from the 18th to the 20th of January 2015, under the auspices of Sheikh Mohammad bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, President of Bahrain Customs, WCO Vice-Chair for the MENA Region and with the participation of the ROCB MENA (Abu Dhabi), Saudi Customs and Qatar Customs.

With the technical support and guidance of the WCO Secretariat during this session, the working group was able to enhance its knowledge of development cooperation mechanisms as well as formulate key recommendations and action plans for the future regional resource mobilization efforts and regional donor conference. These recommendations and action plans will be submitted to the attention of Director Generals of Customs of the MENA region during the upcoming regional Conference of DGs, which will be held in Cairo on the 02nd of February, 2015.

For more information about this working session, please contact Mr. Mourad Arfaoui (Mourad.arfaoui@wcoomd.org).

  • The WCO-MENA Regional Working Group on Resource Mobilization holds its first ever session !

    The WCO-MENA Regional Working Group on Resource Mobilization holds its first ever session !

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