30 ноября 2015
On 30 November 2015, Belgian Minister of Finance Johan Van Overtveldt visited WCO Headquarters, accompanied by the Director General of Belgian Customs Noël Colpin.
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30 ноября 2015
Ships carrying hazardous and illegal substances can now be stopped from a distance of 300 metres with the launch of the first-of-its-kind amphibious vehicle designed by Dubai Customs.
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27 ноября 2015
The first Green Customs workshop took place between 10 and 13 November in Seoul, Republic of Korea. The workshop was a joint initiative of Members of the Green Customs Initiative (GCI) and the WCO Regional Intelligence Liaison Office for Asia and the Pacific (RILO A/P), and was sponsored by the Korea Customs Service.
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25 ноября 2015
The WCO, in cooperation with Azerbaijan Customs, and funded by the Customs Cooperation Fund of Germany, organized a Risk-based Selectivity Workshop in Baku, Azerbaijan from 12 to 13 November 2015.
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25 ноября 2015
At the invitation of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), WCO Secretary General Kunio Mikuriya spoke to transport ministers at the opening session of the ICAO World Aviation Forum, held at ICAO headquarters in Montreal, Canada from 23 to 25 November 2015.
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25 ноября 2015
At the invitation of Mr. Alfonso Rojas, President of the Association of Professional Customs Brokers of the Americas (ASAPRA), WCO Deputy Secretary General Sergio Mujica attended the 46th General Assembly of ASAPRA held in Panama City, Panama, from 18 to 19 November 2015.
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24 ноября 2015
The 25th WCO Asia/Pacific Regional Contact Points Meeting was held from 17 to 19 November 2015 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
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24 ноября 2015
The WCO, in cooperation with the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) conducted a national workshop on enhancing the implementation of the SAFE Framework of Standards (FoS) and an Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) programme in Lusaka, Zambia from 18 to 20 November 2015.
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24 ноября 2015
The Harmonized System and tariff classification work have always been recognised as critical components in a modern Customs administration and as one of the priorities of the WCO.
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20 ноября 2015
A WCO mission was held in Peru from 12th to 16th October 2015 to deliver a Human Resource (HR) Diagnostic to Peru Revenue Authority (SUNAT).
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20 ноября 2015
The WCO with the support from Saudi Customs organized a ‘Regional Workshop on Implications of E-Commerce on Customs’ for the North of Africa, Near and Middle East (MENA) region from 16 to 19 November in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
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19 ноября 2015
Ms. Therese Mattsson, Director General of Swedish Customs, together with the Swedish Customs management team, met with WCO Secretary General Kunio Mikuriya on 17 November 2015.
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18 ноября 2015
The WCO conducted a valuation workshop for Georgia Revenue Service (GRS) from 9 to 13 November 2015.
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18 ноября 2015
The first Practical Training for officers from Customs and Police who form the new Port Control Unit was conducted by WCO training experts in Aqaba, Jordan, from 4 to 15 October 2015.
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17 ноября 2015
The second WCO accreditation workshop for Mercator Programme Advisors (MPAs) was held at the US CBP Advanced Training Centre in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, United States, from 2 to 6 November 2015. It was financially supported by USAID, and eleven Customs officers from Australia, Canada, Mexico and the United States participated in it.
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17 ноября 2015
On 17 November, after their Ministerial Meeting in Manila, the Philippines, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Ministers, issued a Joint Ministerial Statement.
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16 ноября 2015
The WCO offers its sincere condolences to the victims and families of the recent terrorist attacks in France, Lebanon, and Turkey. The violence and impact on people going about their daily lives is harrowing and tragic.
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13 ноября 2015
Visit of the Foreign Trade Minister of Costa Rica
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13 ноября 2015
With the sponsorship of the General Authority of Customs of Qatar, a WCO Sub-Regional Train-the-Trainer Workshop on Rules of Origin for the Gulf Council Cooperation (GCC) Members was held from 8 to 11 October 2015 in Doha, Qatar.
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12 ноября 2015
The Secretary General of the WCO, Kunio Mikuriya, announced today that 2016 will be dedicated to promoting the digitalization of Customs processes under the slogan “Digital Customs: Progressive Engagement.” WCO Members will have the opportunity to showcase and further promote their use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).
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11 ноября 2015
A WCO National Workshop on Post-Clearance Audit (PCA) was held from 28 September to 2 October 2015 in Amman, Jordan.
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10 ноября 2015
Opening of the Regional Training Centre in Jordan
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09 ноября 2015
The WCO is pleased to announce the publication of the 12th Edition of the Integrity Newsletter.
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09 ноября 2015
The 13th Meeting of the Heads of Asia/Pacific WCO Regional Training Centres (RTCs) was held in Malacca, Malaysia on 3-4 November 2015.
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09 ноября 2015
The Heads of Customs of the Portuguese-speaking countries (CPLP) held their XXXth Meeting in Brasilia (Brazil) from 3 to 6 November 2015.
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06 ноября 2015
At the invitation of the commissioner Kim Nak-hoe of Korean Customs Service (KCS), WCO Secretary General Kunio Mikuriya participated in the International Origin Conference, held in Seoul, Korea on 5-6 November 2015.
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06 ноября 2015
The first phase of the WCO – WACAM project has achieved positive results in the ECOWAS countries in three cross- cutting areas, namely: HRM, stakeholder engagement and resource mobilization.
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06 ноября 2015
Under the auspices of the WCO INAMA project (funded by the CITES Secretariat, GiZ, Sweden and the US Department of State) a Basic Intelligence Training course on CITES was held in Yaounde (Cameroon) from 19 to 23 October 2015.
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06 ноября 2015
From the 26th to the 30th of October 2015, the SACU Secretariat and the World Customs Organization (WCO), under the WCO SACU Connect Project funded by the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) convened a workshop to develop a SACU Preferred Trader Utility Block (PT UB) and finalise the SACU Unique Consignment Reference (UCR) Number, in Johannesburg, South Africa.
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06 ноября 2015
Under the auspices of the WCO INAMA project (funded by the CITES Secretariat, GiZ, Sweden and the US Department of State) an Institutional Assessment Workshop on Enforcement of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wildlife fauna and flora (CITES) was held in Brazzaville (Republic of the Congo).
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06 ноября 2015
Fostering cooperation among the competent law enforcement structures is a core element and objective of activities in the framework of UNODC-WCO Container Control Programme. For this purpose, officers of the Joint Cargo Container Control Units in Bosnia and Herzegovina (JCCCU) of Bosnia and Herzegovina and of Montenegro had the opportunity to participate in a three-day Work Study Visit to the Port of Rijeka in Croatia.
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03 ноября 2015
Upon invitation by the Norwegian Customs administration, the WCO, represented by its Deputy Director Compliance and Facilitation, Ms. Heike Barczyk, participated in a Conference "Tolldagen 2015" (Customs Day 2015) in Oslo to present and discuss thoughts on the Future of Customs. This year’s event was already the third of its kind in Norway, with around 250 delegates from Norwegian Customs as well as from the private sector participating in it.
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03 ноября 2015
As part of continued WCO Mercator Programme support regarding the implementation of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement, the WCO held a national workshop on the topic in Qatar from 26th to 29th October 2015.
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