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WCO attends 11th Meeting of the ASEM Customs Directors-General/Commissioners' Meeting in Goa, India

09 октября 2015

The WCO Secretary General, Kunio Mikuriya, participated at the 11th Meeting of the ASEM Customs Directors- General/Commissioners' Meeting held in Goa, India from 7 to 9 October 2015.

The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) is an informal process of dialogue and cooperation bringing together representatives from almost 50 countries to discuss political, economic and cultural issues with the objective of strengthening the relationship between the two regions. Customs play an important part of the ASEM activities.

In opening the Meeting, Mr Najib Shah, Chairman, Central Board of Customs and Excise of India, recalled how the agenda of the Meeting had evolved over the years noting that the current action plan sets out several actions focusing on the five main priorities of ASEM in the Customs field: Trade Facilitation and Supply Chain Security; Combatting Infringement on IPR; Protection of Society and Environment; Involving Business; and Communication and Visibility.  The Chairman emphasised that the role of Customs constantly changes but the priorities remain constant: the challenge for Customs is to deliver. Customs has been the agents for change by introducing automated procedures as soon as the capability to do so became available. Now Customs must embrace the digital challenge and promote Customs as leaders in the drive to reduce transaction costs for business.

Secretary General Mikuriya addressed several agenda items and briefed delegates on the core WCO topics. He emphasised the necessity for consistency of AEO provisions with those of the WCO SAFE Framework and drew attention to the WCO AEO Global Conference scheduled to take place in Mexico in May 2016.

The Secretary General also highlighted the recent improvements to the WCO IPM system and urged Members to use IPM linked to their national systems. He also emphasised the necessity for progress on the issue of Product Safety. In addition, Mr. Mikuriya highlighted the move to a digital environment, a challenge he had confidence Customs would meet. The 2016 IT Conference in Senegal would address this issue in particular as it impacts on Coordinated Border Management.

The Secretary General welcomed progress on the WTO TFA which provides an opportunity for Customs to acquire political and financial support. The Secretary General also updated delegates on current initiatives on Regional Integration, Partners in the Private Sector (Customs Brokers), enhancement of relations with other international organisations (Police/Customs for example), and Customs/ Tax information exchange.

Delegates reported on and discussed progress on the key priorities in the Customs area notably the Customs Trade Facilitation Action Plan, Authorized Economic Operator, Coordinated Border Management, IPR, Product Safety, Waste Shipments, Involving Business, Joint Operations and enhancing the visibility of ASEM Customs Activities.

Following extensive discussion on the progress made to date and the need for further action, the Meeting drew up New Proposals and an Action Plan for the period 2016-2017.  The Plan includes action points on Passenger Name Record (PNR), implementation of the WTO TFA and Paperless Clearance through sharing information.

During the meeting, India and Korea signed an agreement on Mutual Recognition of Authorised Economic Operator (AEO). 

The Meeting concluded with the delegates expressing their appreciation for the excellent organisation and the warm welcome extended to all by the host India Customs.

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