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WCO Leadership and Management Development Workshop in Madagascar

15 октября 2015

Antananarivo (21 September 2015 – 2 October 2015)

In support of its broader Customs Capacity Building agenda, the WCO in partnership with Madagascar Customs organized a ten-day Leadership and Management Development (LMD) Workshop. The objective of the LMD workshop was to strengthen the potential of twenty senior managers, men and women, senior and upcoming, in order to drive the process of modernization of Madagascar Customs.

While working on their values, convictions and beliefs, the twenty participants improved their knowledge, skills and attitude in areas like strategic management, leadership, management styles, integrity, filters of communication, negotiating and change management.

The event was funded with the generous support of the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs through the ESA Project "Building Capacity through Customs Modernization in the East and Southern Africa Region". While the workshop was held in the ville des Mille, one morning was spent to attend the opening of the Republic of Madagascar’s first paperless office. The Prime Minister of Madagascar, Mr. Jean Ravelonarivo declared the Mamory Ivato (airport) Customs Office "officially open" on the 24th of September.

While this first success should be followed by others, the participants were committed to work on their ability to drive the organisation towards the vision of the Customs, which is to be "an administration of trust and confidence".

In a highly interactive and open atmosphere, participants became aware that not only physical and mentality aspects influence each other, but also the thinking and emotional sides of one’s personality influence thoughts and behaviour. These were necessary insights to better professional and personal self-management as well as leading, managing and interacting with others.

In the closing ceremony the Director General of Customs emphasized that men and women who are ready to face the challenges of the administration and committed to take the organization forward, are of the utmost importance to him. During an evaluation exercise all participants expressed their personal perspective and commitment to the role they want to play in the modernization process of Madagascar Customs. The workshop closed with a sense that the growing level of personal consciousness and responsibility by the participants will inspire others Madagascar Customs officers.
