Heads of Customs Administrations in the Americas and Caribbean region adopt regional strategic plan in Santa Cruz, Bolivia

21 апреля 2016

At the invitation of the Director General of Mexican Customs, Mr. Ricardo Treviño, in his capacity as Vice-Chair of the Americas and Caribbean region, WCO Secretary General Kunio Mikuriya attended the regional meeting of Heads of Customs, held in Santa Cruz (Bolivia) on 18 and 19 April 2016.

The meeting, chaired by Ms. Isabel Clavijo of Mexican Customs, debated a wide range of issues, including the outcomes of the Policy Commission and their follow-up actions such as Digital Customs. 

The participants discussed the challenges their Administrations faced and shared experience in respect of collaboration with the private sector, cooperation with police, passenger control, and the illicit trade in cultural goods. 

They also explored how best to enhance their cooperation in risk management, AEO, capacity building and the fight against illicit trade. 

The meeting adopted the first regional strategic plan, which provides a comprehensive view of joint actions in the region. 

Secretary General Mikuriya expressed his appreciation to the region for sharing regional priorities, including the adoption of the regional strategic plan and new ideas and best practices on how best to tackle the common challenges. 

The region nominated Chile to be its next Vice-Chair.

All the participants thanked the Director General of Bolivian Customs, Ms. Marlene Ardaya, and her team for the warm hospitality and excellent organization of the meeting.