WCO Regional Workshop on Post Clearance Audit for the East and Southern Africa Region

19 декабря 2016

Following a request for capacity building on post clearance audit (PCA), the WCO organized a successful Workshop for the East and Southern Africa (ESA) region at the Regional Training Centre (RTC) in Port Louis, Mauritius, from 28 November to 2 December 2016, with the financial support of the Japanese Customs Co-operation Fund (CCF).

A total of 23 middle management participants, representing 19 countries, attended the Workshop to improve the operations of their individual PCA units. The main purpose of this mission was to enhance participants’ technical knowledge through PCA presentations based on the principles laid down in the WCO PCA Guidelines, and by the analytical review of case studies presented by both the facilitators and the participants. 

During his opening address, Mr. Sudhamo Lal, the Director General of the Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA), welcomed the Workshop attendees, and highlighted the importance of PCA, particularly its contribution to the modernization process underway in many Customs administrations worldwide.

The WCO PCA Guidelines, the Implementation Guidance on PCA and other tools comprised the main materials used during the Workshop, which covered pertinent topics such as Policy Management and PCA Operations, Audit Phases, and Resource Management and Challenges in PCA Implementation. These topics led to active discussions between the facilitators and the participants, which helped to further enhance the sharing and learning environment.

Some of the participants presented case studies on the policy, standard operating procedures and challenges that arise during audits. These sessions not only allowed participants to share experiences and techniques among one another, as well as suggest possible solutions, they also enabled the facilitators to provide the participants with further guidance based on approved WCO practices.

During the closing session, the participants provided positive feedback on the Workshop and indicated that they were enthusiastic about implementing the techniques that they had learnt once they returned to their respective administrations.