Opening of the WCO-Korea 2nd EPCBA Programme at KookMin University (KISG) in Korea

23 февраля 2016

The 2nd Executive Programme in Customs & Business Administration (EPCBA Programme) at KISG was launched in Seoul on Tuesday 16 February 2016.

This EPCBA Programme targets management-level officials of Customs administrations of developing countries and seeks to provide theoretical frameworks of international trade and business management, so that they can address Customs matters with a more holistic and systematic point of view. It also includes practical information and knowledge regarding Customs affairs, such as the World Customs Organization (WCO) International Standards, Instruments and Tools, the World Trade Organization (WTO) Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA), Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) and Free Trade Agreements (FTA).

This Programme brings together 10 participants who were welcomed by Mrs. Brenda MUNDIA, Deputy Director, WCO Capacity Building Directorate, Mr. Don-Hyun LEE, Deputy Commissioner, Korea Customs Service and Mr Hong Jae YIM; Vice President of Kookmin University. The participants benefited from an introductory lecture by the WCO. This introduction served as a prelude to four weeks of academic sessions, one week practical sessions and field trips. The participants will also benefit from the two-week WCO Leadership and Management Development (LMD) Programme facilitated by experts from the WCO.

The participants will remain at KISG in Seoul until 1 April 2016 under the sponsorship of Korea Customs (CCF Korea). There are plans to continue to provide this programme for officials from developing member countries in the future.

List of countries participating in the 2nd EPCBA Programme: Bhutan, Ethiopia, Fiji, Ghana, Jordan, Mozambique, Peru, Saint Lucia, Thailand, Uruguay