Strategic Planning and Risk Management Environmental Scan Support to Angola Revenue Administration (AGT)

01 февраля 2016

The WCO facilitated a workshop on Strategic Planning at the Angola Revenue Administration (AGT) headquarters in Luanda from 18-22 January 2016. The mission was funded by AGT.

The main objectives of the workshop were to provide an overview on the methodologies and benefits of effective Strategic Planning and to assist AGT in reviewing the recently completed 2016 AGT Annual Business Plan. The review was aimed at identifing any areas for enhancement related to the activities and indicators to ensure that they were aligned with international best practices.

The review was completed and resulted in the drafting of a number of recommendations. The recommendations will be reviewed by the Strategic Planning Unit for potential action and inclusion in the revised Plan.

In addition, an environmental scan of the Risk Management operations currently in place at AGT was conducted in order to scope a future WCO mission to AGT focused on Risk Management. An excerpt from the recently drafted WCO Risk Management Diagnostic Tool, which is now in the pilot phase, was used to guide the discussion.

The workshop participants were from the following sections in AGT: Office of Strategic Planning and International Cooperation, Special Taxation Directorate, Department of Tariffs and Trade, Human Resources Directorate

Support Office to the Board of Administration, Department of Standards and Customs Procedures, Center for Tributary Studies (Revenue Think Tank), and the Department of Customs Supervision (Enforcement).