The WCO works in partnership with Nicaragua Customs to support the design and implementation of an AEO pilot programme

09 февраля 2016

The WCO continues to provide capacity building support to Nicaragua Customs (DGA) to assist them with the design and implementation of an AEO pilot programme. The latest event which was held from 25-29th January was supported by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) under the project "Customs Capacity Building for WCO Members 2012-2017." The WCO NORAD project aims at delivering technical assistance to seven countries: Timor Leste, Liberia, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Rwanda, Tanzania and Vietnam.

The WCO worked in partnership with the AEO Project Team to review progress with the development of the pilot programme. A range of matters were dscussed including the selection of participants, the finalisation of the AEO application process and engagement with external stakehlders including other government agencies. All of the work sessions were highly interactive and provided an excellent opportunity to discuss the future design and structure of the programme and to share international best practice.

In addition, support was also provided to the AEO Project Team in a meeting with members of the National Customs Operational Technical Committee. This committee, which includes representatives from the business community, is working with DGA to finalize the AEO procedures.

For more information on the project for Customs Capacity Building for WCO Members 2012-17, please contact the Project Manager, Mr. Philip Wood