High Level Dialogue Session at the Sub regional Workshop on Integrity for the Pacific

29 июля 2016

On 28 July 2016, the WCO Secretary General, Mr. Kunio Mikuriya, joined the High-Level Dialogue Session at the WCO Sub-regional Workshop on Integrity for the Pacific. The event was held at the Regional Training Centre in Suva, Fiji, under the sponsorship of the Japanese Customs Co-operation Fund (CCF/Japan) and attended by some 45 high-level officials representing WCO Member administrations in the Pacific sub-region and non-WCO Oceania Customs Organisation (OCO) Member administrations.

Secretary General Mikuriya and the Director General of the Royal Malaysian Customs Department (RMCD), Mr. Dato’ Sri Khazali bin Hj Ahmad, joined the Session as resource speakers.

In his keynote address to open the Session, Secretary General Mikuriya elaborated on the fact that Customs had been candid in discussing integrity issues for many years, leading to the development of the Arusha Declaration. Problems could not be countered unless their underlying nature and causes were recognized. Several prominent causes of integrity problems were linked to high tariff rates and complex Customs procedures. In this respect, the Secretary General touched upon the importance of using ICT tools and human resource management techniques, as well as the need for engagement by officials both at top management and operational levels. He also encouraged a whole-of- government approach.

The RMCD Director General spoke about his Administration’s experiences in addressing integrity issues through the introduction of a set of targeted measures. Participants took advantage of the attendance of the WCO Secretary General and RMCD Director General to conduct a fruitful and interactive dialogue with them.