WCO and Togolese Revenue Authority jointly assess Customs reform

04 июля 2016

At the request of the Togolese Revenue Authority (OTR), a WCO experts’ mission travelled to Lomé to assess progress made in Customs reform and modernization (Columbus Phase III). The mission took place from 9 to 17 June 2016 and followed up previous WCO missions to Togolese Customs which focused on the diagnosis and planning of the reform. The OTR and its three offices (Customs and Excise, Taxation and General Services) took part in the various stages of the mission, which achieved all its objectives.

The experts held working meetings with OTR teams responsible for studies and strategic planning and with staff from other relevant OTR units responsible for auditing and quality assurance, communications and user services, anti-corruption, IT, legislation, information provision and compliance, human resources and training, etc.

Meetings were also arranged with development partners acting for the Togolese Customs, economic operators, Customs service strategic partners (Chambers of Commerce, port and airport authorities, Customs agents, etc.) and the inspection company COTECNA.

The WCO experts made on-site visits to external services to assess progress made in Customs reform, holding working meetings with the management and senior staff of the respective facilities, i.e. Lomé port and airport and Customs posts on the borders with Benin and Ghana.

A working meeting was held on the final day with the adviser to the Commissioner General, the Commissioners and the managers of the various OTR units involved in the reform to assess the results and conclusions of the mission on a joint basis.