30 июня 2016
The WCO-EAC CREATe project, funded by the government of Sweden, has successfully delivered a series of sensitization workshops on the EAC Regional Authorized Economic Operator programme.
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30 июня 2016
The WCO actively participated in the open consultation carried out by the United Nations Security Council on the Comprehensive Review of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 (UNSCR1540), the international instrument adopted in 2004 which requires all states to take and enforce "appropriate effective measures" to prevent proliferation of nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons and their means of delivery.
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29 июня 2016
The WCO is pleased to announce the publication of the 13th Integrity Newsletter.
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28 июня 2016
The World Customs Organization (WCO) and its 180 Member Customs administrations join the United Nations (UN) family and the rest of the world in marking the 2016 International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.
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28 июня 2016
Following a request for capacity building in the area of effective revenue assurance, the WCO conducted a Regional Workshop on Post-Clearance Audit (PCA) for the Americas and the Caribbean Region.
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28 июня 2016
Twenty nine representatives from 26 Customs administrations in the Asia/Pacific Region participated in the WCO Regional Workshop on Risk Assessment and Selectivity with Advance Cargo information from 20 to 23 June 2016.
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24 июня 2016
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24 июня 2016
At the invitation of Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA) the WCO with the support of China Customs Cooperation Fund (CCF China) assisted the MRA Customs department in developing an implementation plan for the setting up of an Enquiry Point in accordance with Article 1.3 of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement (WTO TFA).
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23 июня 2016
At the invitation of Mr. Gyan Chandra Acharya, Under-Secretary-General and High Representative of the United Nations Office for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and the Small Island Developing States (UN-OHRLLS), WCO Secretary General Kunio Mikuriya spoke at the opening session of the fifth Meeting of Trade Ministers of Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) held at Geneva, Switzerland from 23 to 24 June 2016.
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23 июня 2016
Under the auspices of the WCO INAMA project, a training on investigations of CITES was held in Kampala (Uganda) from 6 to 10 June.
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23 июня 2016
The fifth WCO COPES Project Regional Seminar, organized in partnership with Morocco’s Customs and Excise Administration, was held in Casablanca from 24 to 26 May 2016.
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23 июня 2016
Following a request for technical assistance by Cameroon Customs (DGD), two experts from the WCO Secretariat’s Valuation Sub-Directorate conducted a diagnostic mission from 6 to 14 June 2016.
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22 июня 2016
A new case study, provided by Nigeria, has been added to the Guide to Counter Origin Irregularities (excluding fraud).
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22 июня 2016
Under the auspices of the WCO-EAC CREATe project on 09th and 10th of June 2016, customs representatives from EAC Member-Administrations met with regional Authorized Economic Operators from Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda to identify ways to intensify cooperation and to discuss main challenges in the roll-out of the regional AEO programme.
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21 июня 2016
Under the sponsorship of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) through the Japanese Special Fund, two Regional Workshops on the Harmonized System (HS) 2017 amendments for the Administrations of the North, South, Central American and the Caribbean Region were held in the Regional Training Center "Juan Bosh" of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, from 6 to 10 June (in English) and from 13 to 17 June (in Spanish) respectively.
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20 июня 2016
On 17 June 2016, the Member of the Board (Minister) for Customs Cooperation of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC), Mr. Mukai Kadyrkulov, visited WCO Headquarters for discussions with WCO Secretary General Kunio Mikuriya on topics of mutual interest.
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17 июня 2016
The WCO-EAC CREATe project, funded by Sweden, delivered a workshop on "Successful Stakeholder Consultations" in Kampala (Uganda) from 06th to 08th of June 2016.
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17 июня 2016
Under the auspices of the WCO INAMA project, a training on investigations of CITES was held in Kampala (Uganda) from 6 to 10 June.
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15 июня 2016
The World Customs Organization (WCO) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) signed on 14 June a joint declaration aimed at strengthening their cooperation to support the effective implementation of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA).
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15 июня 2016
The WCO, in cooperation with the WTO, ROCB A/P and Japan Customs, organized the WCO Asia/Pacific Regional Workshop on the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) from 6 to 10 June 2016 at the Regional Training Center in Japan (Japan Customs Training Institute) in Kashiwa, Japan.
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15 июня 2016
Through the partnership support from the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida), the World Customs Organisation (WCO) and the SACU Secretariat under the WCO SACU Connect Project, the SACU Region continues to advance its effort in establishing the Regional Preferred Trader Programme (PTP).
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15 июня 2016
Forty-two senior Customs officials from different units within Thai Customs attended a National Workshop on the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) organized by the WCO and Thai Customs, with support from the Japanese Customs Cooperation Fund (CCF).
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13 июня 2016
At the invitation of the G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group (ACWG), WCO Secretary General Kunio Mikuriya spoke at the ACWG meeting held on 10 June 2016 at Lancaster House in London, United Kingdom. The ACWG is developing a G20 Anti-Corruption Action Plan 2017-2018 to be presented to the G20 Summit later this year. As such, it was interested in the work being done by the WCO in the area of Customs as this was identified as a high-risk area.
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13 июня 2016
At the invitation of Mr. Galo Molina, President of ALACAT, and Mr. Enrique Lacalle, President of the International Logistics and Material Handling Exhibition of Barcelona, WCO Deputy Secretary General Sergio Mujica attended the XXXIII International Congress of ALACAT which was held in Barcelona, Spain, from 7 to 9 June 2016. The Congress was attended by over 200 freight forwarders and logistics operators from Latin America, Spain, and other Mediterranean countries, as well as several international organizations from the private and public sectors.
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10 июня 2016
Having witnessed the intensification of attacks on cultural heritage and increasing incidents of cultural heritage destruction in conflict areas in recent years, UNESCO has launched a powerful campaign, #Unite4Heritage, to safeguard cultural heritage and diversity around the world.
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10 июня 2016
WCO Secretary General Kunio Mikuriya and His Excellency Mr. Masafumi Ishii, Japanese Ambassador to the Kingdom of Belgium and the representative of the Government of Japan to NATO opened the first WCO Security Summit, which took place at the WCO HQ from 7 to 9 June 2016.
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10 июня 2016
On 2 and 3 June 2016, the WCO Secretariat facilitated a training workshop for members of the WAEMU CET Management Committee on the 2017 amendments to the Harmonized System (HS).
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09 июня 2016
Following an invitation from the Ethiopian Revenue and Customs Administration (ERCA), WCO successfully completed a four day needs assessment mission under the tailor-made track of the Mercator Programme
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09 июня 2016
Fake cancer medication, substandard HIV and diabetes testing kits, counterfeit dental equipment and illicit surgical equipment – just a snapshot of the potentially life-threatening drugs and goods seized during Operation Pangea IX which was coordinated by INTERPOL.
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09 июня 2016
The closing of the 15th IT Conference & Exhibition (IT Conference) concluded that over 750 delegates from Customs, other government authorities, private sector, international organizations, development partners, academia and other stakeholders took part in this premium external event of the World Customs Organization which opens its doors every year to its many partners around the world.
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09 июня 2016
From 1 to 3 June, 2016, the EU as Vice Chair of the WCO Europe region in cooperation with the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Swedish Customs and the National Board of Trade of Sweden organized the 2nd regional workshop on the implementation of the World Trade Organisation's (WTO) Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA).
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09 июня 2016
As part of its continuous support to the customs administrations of the West and Central Africa (WCA) region in their effort to modernize HRM and following the request of the Benin General Directorate of Customs and Excise, the WCO - WACAM project conducted a support mission in Cotonou from 30 May to 03 June 2016 for the design and implementation of a competency based HRM system.
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09 июня 2016
Back to back with the WCO IT Conference held in Dakar, Senegal, the WCO with the support of Senegalese Customs and Japanese Customs Cooperation Fund (CCF Japan) organized a Workshop on Strategic Leadership in IT from 30 - 31 May 2016.
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09 июня 2016
On 28th of April 2016, the EAC Partner States and the EAC Secretariat adopted a manual for standard operating procedures which guides the administration of the regional AEO programme.
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03 июня 2016
19 representatives from 10 Customs administrations in the MENA Region participated in the WCO Regional Workshop on Risk-based Passenger Selectivity from 30 May to 2 June 2016.
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03 июня 2016
It has only been one month since the WCO launched the new version of the nCEN application, developed in response to requests for alignment of existing functionality with daily operational needs of Customs administrations. Fiji became the first country to implement this new version of the nCEN
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03 июня 2016
The WCO Harmonized System Committee (HSC) held its 57th Session from 9 to 18 March 2016 at the WCO headquarters in Brussels.
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02 июня 2016
Around 700 delegates gathered to attend the opening of the 2016 WCO IT Conference & Exhibition (ITC), taking place from 1 to 3 June in Dakar, Senegal, co-hosted by the Customs Administration of Senegal.
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