WCO Supports Customs Administrations in Sub-Saharan Africa to enhance their investigation capacity to fight the illegal wildlife trade

23 июня 2016

Under the auspices of the WCO INAMA project, a training on investigations of CITES was held in Kampala (Uganda) from 6 to 10 June. The objective of the training was to support Members by providing exposure to criminal investigation techniques with a focus on the illegal wildlife trade.

The training was hosted by the Uganda Revenue Authority and attended by delegations from Gambia, Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, and Uganda. In addition delegates from Kenya and Uganda Customs participated to this event tanks to the support of the UNODC-WCO CONTAINER CONTROL PROGRAMME

The one-week course covered topics that included how to conduct interviews and interrogations of suspects, surveillance techniques, consensual contacts of suspects and operations planning in preparation of controlled deliveries.

The training was officially opened by Mr. Dicksons Collins KATESHUMBWA, Commissioner of Customs, Uganda Revenue Authority. Also present during the opening was Mr. Omar Farooq, Economic and Commercial Officer, U.S. Embassy Kampala and Ms. Ashley Netherton, Foreign Service Officer (Environment) at USAID

The INAMA Project is funded by the US Department of State, Sweden, the German Agency for Development Cooperation (GiZ) and the CITES Secretariat). This particular training was funded by the US Department of State.

For more information about this training and the WCO-INAMA Project, please contact the WCO-INAMA project manager, Marco Foddi (marco.foddi@wcoomd.org).