Jamaica Customs Agency Identifies Risk Management as Pivotal to Modernization

21 марта 2016

The Jamaica Customs Agency (JCA) hosted the first use of the WCO Risk Management Diagnostic in the week 1 to 5 February 2016. The diagnostic follows a methodology of document evaluation, interviews and observations of Customs planning and processes. The work of the WCO team covered strategic and operational areas and considered: infrastructure, processes, legislation, internal and external cooperation, information technology, human and financial resources and specific projects/programmes/initiatives related to risk management.

The JCA has in place a Corporate Strategic Plan 2015-2018, an Operational Plan 2014-2015 and Risk Management Policy, among other plans guiding their reform and modernization agenda. The Jamaica Customs Agency (JCA) corporate Risk Management Policy provides a sound foundation for influencing the necessary risk-aware culture and methodologies.

This Risk Management diagnostic began with a meeting of key Jamaican Customs senior managers. The pre-mission information around the organization structure, policies and priorities was confirmed, as well as more detailed information surrounding current initiatives. The purpose, conduct and anticipated result of the diagnostic exercise were also discussed.

The diagnostic feedback found that risk management remains a priority for the JCA’s reform and modernization strategy. Together with the risk management opportunities associated with the launch of Asycuda World, the JCA sought feedback on risk management-related initiatives such as the centralisation and expansion of risk management support, government development of an E-Trade platform and future introduction of a port community system at Kingston.

Customs resources and activities appear to be directed towards a good balance between meeting government and Strategic Plan objectives for both revenue collection and community protection. At functional/operational levels, there are considerable and equal efforts to deal with revenue risks and enforcement risks.

To ensure better delivery towards the Corporate Strategic Plan goals, the Commissioner and senior management team expect all staff to make decisions and allocate resources based on risk management. In terms of supporting elements that will facilitate the move towards a more integrated and multi-layered risk management system driven by intelligence, there are three means: organizational management, a skilled workforce with appropriate equipment and facilities, and coordinated border management. Several recommendations in connection to these areas were made to the JCA management team.